Devotions Online

By James Russell Miller
"Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year"

22 February 2025

Morning Thoughts for Every Day of the Year

MATTHEW 16:16 “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

UNDER the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter had a glimpse of Jesus in His glorious beauty. He saw Him as the Messiah who had been promised so long. At last the Promised One had come, and now Peter saw and believed in Him as the Christ. Not only so, but he saw Him, too, as divine—the Son of the living God. This confession shows us what we ought to think about Christ. He is the Messiah, God’s Anointed One. He became man, thus coming down close to us.

Then He is the Son of God, divine; possessing all power, infinite in His love and grace, able to do for us all that we need, and to lift us up to eternal life and glory. So we have here a most comprehensive creed. If our belief is like Peter’s, and if Christ is all to us in our life that we make Him in our creed, we are resting on the rock. But we must make sure that we have Christ in our life as well as in our creed.


WE are all making memories in our todays for our tomorrows. The back-log in the old-fashioned fireplace sings as it burns, and one with poetic fancy says that the music is the bird-songs of past years—that when the tree was growing in the forest the birds sang in its branches, and the music sank into the tree and was held there, until now in the winter fire it is set free. This is only a beautiful fancy, but there is an analogy in life which is actual. Along the days of childhood and youth the bird-notes of gladness sing about us. They sink away into the heart and hide there. In the busy days of toil and care which follow they ofttimes seem to be lost and forgotten. Then, in still later days, the fires of trial come and kindle about the life, and in the flames the long-imprisoned music is set free and flows out. Many an old age is brightened and sweetened by the memories of early years. They are wise who in their happy youth-time fill their hearts with pure, pleasant things; they are laying up blessings for old age.

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