The lessons are brief, well-illustrated, with a test or quiz for the student to complete. A certificate is awarded for each series completed. For advanced courses, the certificate is awarded only to those making a passing grade.
SEE AND DO 1 and SEE AND DO 2 are for children learning to read. The 7 lessons in each series present Bible truths through well-illustrated stories and may be read to or by the child, encouraging Bible study.
STORYTIME 1 AND 2 have 7 lessons in each series for ages and 8. Each lesson has a short Bible lesson and stories to catch interest and teach important truths. These series are for See and Do graduates as well as for new students.
BEST FRIENDS 1 and 2 are for 9 and 10 year olds. There are 8 and 12 lessons respectively.
EXPLORERS 1 AND 2 have 12 lessons in each series. This excellent, basis Bible study material is ideal for ages 11 and 12 or a bit older, and for those having completed the Best Friends series.
OVERCOMERS has 12 lessons for ages 13 and 14. This Bible study material outlines the great salvation plan of God for His people.
WINNERS 1 AND 2 are designed for teenagers but is excellent for adults also. There are 12 and 20 lessons respectively.
TEEN TALK deals with problems related to teens. Excellent tool for younger teenagers and those from sheltered backgrounds who may not be ready for the Understanding Teen Love series.
UNDERSTANDING TRUE LOVE deals explicitly with problems specifically related to teens and young adults on love, dating and marriage. Helps them develop wholesome and Biblical relationships. Could be initial series for ages 15 to adults.
A COUNTRY CALLED HEAVEN has 18 lessons for ages 13 and up. This basic course is very helpful and easy to complete, making it possible to move on to more advanced courses.
MY NEW LIFE IN CHRIST is for older teenagers and adults. This course has 20 lessons presenting basic truths from God’s Word.
KNOW AND GROW is a basic course for new believers as well as believers who have not had extensive Bible study. There are 21 lessons in this course.
PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN LIVING is 24 lessons for ages 13 through adults. This course deals with the problems and challenges faced by Christians.
GOD’S GREAT SALVATION is for teenagers and adults. This is an excellent course for review, reinforcing truths taught in other series. This course has 16 lessons.
LIGHT FROM OLD TESTAMENT is for teens and adults. It has 5 booklets.
BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS are somewhat advanced Bible studies for older teenagers and adults. The 9 lessons are on great Bible themes such as Repentance, Faith and Prayer.
FISHERS OF MEN is for older teens and adults and has 3 lessons showing how to lead others to the Saviour.
LIGHT FROM THE GOSPEL OF JOHN is a single-lesson introductory course for teenagers and adults. This attractive brief study from the Gospel of John has special emphasis on salvation. No certificate is awarded upon completion. It is ideal for new students before studying other course.
WINNING THE BATTLE OF LIFE is a course aimed at those in military service. It is good for those just beginning Bible study. It has 6 lessons.
WINNING THE RACE OF LIFE is a course for those interested in sports. It is good for those just beginning Bible study. It has 6 lessons.