Life Children's Club
Life Children Club (LCC) is a Christian Children's Club where children age range from 7 to 12 years old gather to have a wonderful time of singing, listening to exciting Christian stories, playing fun indoor games, and enjoying creative crafts. The Bible tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Prov 22:6. It is for this reason, the LCC aspires to train up children with excellent behaviour, enduring values, and sound character development through our club activities.
In 1998, Life B-P Church started providing quality educational services and student care services Yishun, while LCC was held in our Church premises. Since 2009, the club was brought closer to the students in Yishun for ease of accessibility. As of 2018, LCC is operating back in our church home ground which provides a much more conducive learning, larger area for children activities, and especially the popular playground for children's outdoor play.
We meet every Saturday 10am to 12:45pm, excluding school breaks in Jun and Dec, and public holidays.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matt 19:14
"Suffer" - Old English to mean allow, to permit
Outings and Excursions!
An exciting moon cake making session & creative crafts
Dedicated teachers with conducive environment for learning.
9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
Contact: Benedict Sim
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- What time does Life Children Club starts and ends on Saturday?
- LCC starts at 10am at Life B-P Church at Live Meeting Hall every Saturday. We have children arriving typically by 9:40am from Yishun. The children will have a wonderful time of playing the playground and simple snacks lovingly prepared.
- How many classes do we have?
- Currently we have 2 classes, seperated by children of lower primary below P3, and upper primary which is P3 above. Typical attendance is about 18 children. We have about 6 upper primary children, and 12 lower primary.
- Are there refreshments or lunch if any be served?
- Morning snacks are provided from 9.40am. Lunch is served around 11.45am. Children will start heading back to Yishun Bus Pickup points from 12.30pm onwards. Children will arrive at Hua Min Primary School at 1pm. Children will arrive at All Saint's Bus Stop Area at 1:15pm.
- Where is the transport pickup points?
- Kindly refer to above, which is especially catered for our Yishun Children. It is catered for majority of the children who stays around the area. There are some minority who had to take extra transport to get to these pick up locations.