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Worship Service for 22 September 2024

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Building up the Church of Christ:

Building Together

Life B-P Church Worship Service, 22nd September 2024

Text: Nehemiah 3:1-32


  • Nehemiah 3 provides a detailed account of how the gates and walls of the city of Jerusalem were rebuilt, focusing on the names of those who were involved in the reconstruction. It shows how we should go about doing God’s work in the Church.


  1. Total Involvement
  • People from all walks of life, trades, localities, and social classes gathered to work on the walls. God uses all kinds of people. There is a place and a work for everyone in the Lord’s vineyard (1 Corinthians 12:12,14).
  • The task was overwhelming, but Nehemiah divided the walls into 41 manageable or doable sections. The people worked side by side, harmoniously and simultaneously, on all sections of the city walls. The phrase “next unto him/them” is used 28X, highlighting their teamwork and shared responsibility. If God’s work is going to get done, we are called to collaborate with one another, not to compete with or criticize one another (Ephesians 4:16).
  • The people were committed to finishing the work. The word “builded” is used 6X and the word “repaired” is used 35X. Every person had a section of the walls he was responsible for, and completed the task assigned to him. Serving God is a commitment.


2. Zeal & Enthusiasm

  • The entire workforce demonstrated immediate dedication and ardent enthusiasm as they laboured faithfully to complete the task. As soon as the people had resolved to build the walls about Jerusalem (2:18), they lost no time but set about it immediately (3:1; Romans 12:11).
  • Note the zeal of those, who having completed the piece 1st assigned to them rapidly, then undertook a 2nd piece (vv11,19-21,24-27,30). They went beyond the call of duty (Ecclesiastes 9:10a). The negligence of the nobles from Tekoa was noted – v5b. God takes note of what we do for His name's sake (Hebrews 6:10).
  • Of one of them, Baruch “earnestly repaired the other piece” (v20). Baruch was not just serving; he was on fire! Being zealous in the Lord’s work is one of the marks of the redeemed people of God (Titus 2:14; Galatians 4:18). Service must be from the heart!


3. Honouring God

  • Eliashib the high priest, with his brethren, the priests, led in this troop of builders (v1). They led by example. The faith of leaders often inspires others to great faith and good works.
  • The priests, in the rebuilding of the sheep gate and of the wall extending from it, sanctified or consecrated their own portion of the walls. Nehemiah and Eliashib knew that God wanted everything “set apart” special unto Him, including the city walls and gates. Thus, a sacred character was impressed on the work. It shows that their labour was unto God. It is the LORD whom we serve (Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31).
  • Nehemiah recognized the contributions of each worker and recorded the names of all involved in the work (4:6). Then, when it was all over, he gave the ultimate glory to God (6:16). The workers weren’t just working on the walls; they were worshipping God who is worthy of all glory and honour. Nehemiah was able to build a team around a central rallying point. He pointed them to the purpose of the work – the glory of God (2:17).



Questions for Discussion

  1. Nehemiah 3 describes how different groups of people took responsibility for rebuilding specific sections of the walls. How does this illustrate the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility in doing God's work?
  2. Some individuals took on more difficult or less glamorous tasks (eg. the Dung Gate in v14). What can we learn from their willingness to serve in these roles?
  3. Nehemiah 3 lists the names of those who contributed to the rebuilding effort. What does this tell us about the value God places on individual contributions, no matter how small?





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