Audio Sermons

Building up the Church of Christ:

“And Certain Women…”

Life B-P Church Worship Service, 12 May 2024

Text: Luke 8:1-3


  • Women played a vital role in Jesus’ ministry. Luke notes the devotion of certain women who have been saved by the Lord (Luke 7:36-50; 8:1-3).


  1. Following Jesus
  • The women showed their devotion by following Jesus. The gospel always makes a difference in the life of the person who has responded to it.

- There is Mary Magdalene, who had once been possessed by 7        demons. After she found salvation and release from her torturous past, she committed her life to Jesus and followed Him (Matthew 27:55-56, 61). She had been forgiven much, and she loved Jesus much.

- Next is Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was Herod Antipas’ steward. As a member of Herod’s court, Joanna gave up a life of luxury and she took great risk in following Jesus (Luke 9:23; 24:10).

- The third woman mentioned by name is Susanna. Susanna followed Jesus because she loved Jesus and had been delivered by Him.

- Luke mentions in V3b: “and many others” or, ‘and many other    women.’ There were many other women who followed Jesus.

  • These were women who had experienced the transforming power, great mercy, unconditional forgiveness, and the amazing grace of God in Christ. Their following Jesus was born out of love for the Saviour (1 John 4:19).
  • These women walked alongside Jesus, even though it was unpopular, even though it was risky, even though it was countercultural. They exemplify the way of true discipleship (2 Corinthians 5:15).


  1. Ministering to Jesus
  • The women showed their devotion by ministering to the Lord. They didn't merely follow Jesus; they were actively involved and supported His ministry. V3b: “which ministered unto Him of their substance” (possessions, means). They ensured that Jesus and His disciples were provided and cared for; and they played an essential role in the daily practicalities of travelling and ministering.
  • God has a place for every woman in His Church. We see Mary Magdalene, a former demoniac, travelling and serving with Joanna, a lady of the court and wealth. It affirms that women are valued and entrusted with important responsibilities in advancing the Kingdom of God.
  • These women who genuinely loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him were never seeking fame or power. They chose the path of humility, ministering to Jesus through their quiet, steadfast service. 


  1. Honouring Jesus
  • The women showed their devotion by honouring the Lord. Jesus did not need their substance but the Lord let these women provide for Him.

- It shows that Jesus is a man like ourselves in all things (but without sin). He lived the life of faith in His Father’s providence. Jesus was humble enough to receive help from others while He carried on His ministry.

- By allowing the women to minister to Him, Jesus might prove their love and test their affection for Himself. Our lives are continually showing whose we are and whom we serve, whether we love Christ or whether we love the world.

  • For Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and “certain women,” God saw fit to record their love for Him. These women will have a special reward for providing for their Lord in this way (Proverbs 3:9-10; Hebrews 6:10).
  • Women were the first witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection.

- On the first Sunday after the Lord’s crucifixion, a group of women, including Mary Magdalene and Joanna, came to the tomb bringing the spices to anoint the body of Jesus (Luke 24:1,10). They were    rewarded with the joy of witnessing His resurrection – they found the stone had been rolled away, the tomb was empty, and angels proclaimed the astonishing news: "He is not here, but is risen” (Luke 24:6a).

- Mary Magdalene was the first person the resurrected Lord appeared and spoke to (Mark 16:9). Jesus revealed Himself first to a woman, one out of whom He had cast 7 demons. He entrusted Mary Magdalene to be the first person to tell the other disciples that He was alive.

God knows those who follow Him, and He honours both their devotion and labours of love.

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