Audio Sermons

Building up the Church of Christ:

Arise and Build!

Life B-P Church Worship Service, 15th September 2024

Text: Nehemiah 2:1-20


  • Nehemiah was a high-ranking Jewish official in the Royal Persian court.
  • He was saddened by the news that the walls of Jerusalem were still in ruins and he began to pray for this need.
  • After about four months the King allowed him to go to Jerusalem.
  • He surveyed the walls and then shared his burden for building them with all the leaders of the Jews.
  • They responded, “Let us rise up and build.” (v.18)


The Lesson to Learn:

  • Commit yourself to do the Lord’s work without any hesitation or delay.
  • There are three steps to do the work well:


  1. Initiate Prayerfully (vv.1-8)
  • The opportunity came when Nehemiah was serving the King.
  • When the king noticed his sadness, he became ‘very sore afraid.’ (v.2)
  • When he revealed the cause of his sadness, he may have expected the King to respond with indifference, with comfort and consolation or with indignation. (v.3, cf. Ezra 4:21)
  • The King’s heart was unusually favourable. He granted:

⃝ Nehemiah’s request to be sent to Jerusalem and to rebuild it

⃝ Letters to guarantee his safe passage to Jerusalem

⃝ A good supply of timber (Cf. Proverbs 21:1)

Application: To do any work well, we must always seek God’s help first through prayer.


  1. Investigate Carefully (vv. 9-16)
  • Nehemiah’s arrival aroused ill feelings among some enemies. (v.10)
  • He carried out a thorough survey of the walls and saw the terrible state of ruin they were in.

Application: While we want the work to proceed quickly, we must exercise care and diligence. (Cf. Luke 14:28-30)


  1. Invigorate Hopefully (vv.17-20)
  • The leaders of the Jews needed motivations that were strong enough to believe that they will succeed in rebuilding the walls.
  • Nehemiah persuaded them by laying out the whole case (vv.17,18):

- The urgency of the need –
 “Ye see the distress that we are in…”

- Their desire to regain their lost honour –
 “…that we be no more a reproach.”

- The favourable turn of events –
 “…the hand of God which was good upon me.”

- The pledge of the Persian King –
 “…the king’s words that he had spoken unto me.

  • The people needed a man with vision and decisive leadership – Nehemiah was such a man.
  • They responded decisively and without the least hesitation. (v.18b)


If we are concerned for the needs of God’s kingdom, let us take the initiative to meet those needs.

Difficulties and opposition are to be expected, but our best hope is to depend on God’s help. (vv.19,20)


Closing Thoughts:

  • Let us rise up and build the ‘broken walls’ of the Church.
  • Since we have the Lord Jesus as our Nehemiah, we must strengthen our hands for every good work that He wants us to do!


Questions for Reflection:

  1. What needs of God’s kingdom are you aware of?
  2. How does God want you to be involved in meeting these needs?


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