Audio Sermons
Preserving the Gains in God’s Work (I)
Building up the Church of Christ:
Preserving the Gains in God’s Work
Life B-P Church Worship Service, 29th December 2024
Text: Nehemiah 13:1-31
- God’s work in Israel reached its highest point when the people were spiritually revived (chapters 8-9), made a ‘sure covenant’ (chapter 10) and dedicated the walls of Jerusalem (chapter 12).
- But after that, their spiritual vitality began to decline as they failed to keep their covenant promises (chapter 13). If this decline had continued, all the gains made in God’s work would be lost.
- Preserving the gains that have been made in God’s work requires us to maintain at least three things:
- The Separation of God’s People from the World (vv.1-9, 23-31)
- During Nehemiah’s absence, one of the rooms in the Temple was turned into a storeroom for Tobiah the Ammonite.
- This was the outcome of a priest’s unholy alliance with Tobiah, and it compromised the sanctity of the Temple.
- Maintaining our separation from ungodly influences is essential to preserving our spiritual vitality. (Cf. 1 John 2:15)
- Doing this also requires us to refrain from marrying unbelievers.
(Cf. Malachi 2:11)
Application: Have you allowed any unholy alliances in your life that may cause you to compromise with the world and adopt a sinful lifestyle?
- The Service of God’s Worship (vv.10-14)
- During Nehemiah’s absence, worship in the Temple declined as there were few priests and Levites serving there. (Cf. Malachi 1:8)
- This was the outcome of the farming work they had to do when their support ceased due to the lack of tithes and offerings.
- Maintaining the service of God’s worship requires us to exercise good stewardship by setting things in their place, supplying the needed resources, and selecting faithful men to bear responsibility.
Applications: Have you become weary of well doing and careless in your stewardship? (Cf. Malachi 3:9,10) Are you willing to offer your time and effort to meet the needs of God’s work? What reward can you look forward to in your service? (Cf. Matthew 25:21)
- The Sanctity of God’s Day of Rest (vv.15-22)
- God has sanctified the sabbath day as a day for us to rest and worship Him. (cf. Genesis 2:2,3; Isaiah 58:13,14; Nehemiah 10:31)
- It was first observed on the seventh day to mark a finished creation. Since Christ resurrected on the first day of the week, it is now observed on Sunday to mark a finished redemption.
- During Nehemiah’s absence, the people began to treat the sabbath day like any other day of the week.
- This was the outcome of a desire to do more work and make more money as their businesses prospered.
Application: How much do you look forward to each opportunity to worship God in church on His day of rest?
Our Great Hope
- Despite the failure of the people and their leaders to keep their covenant promises, this last chapter offers hope to God’s people in every age.
- It is found in what God did to stop their spiritual decline:
He sent Nehemiah to rescue them. (13:6 - “…after certain days obtained I leave of the king.” Cf. 2:8 – “And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.”) - About four centuries later, God would send His only begotten Son to rescue them again. Jesus Christ would do much more for His people.
- This gives us hope that God will preserve all the gains that have been made in the work of building His church. (Cf. Matthew 16:18)
Application: Let us persevere in Building up the Church of Christ despite our weaknesses and failures, as our labour is not in vain! (Cf. 1 Corinthians 15:58)