Audio Sermons
Christ, the Son of Man (II)
Renewing Our Strength in the Lord:
Christ, the Son of Man
Life B-P Church Worship Service, 2nd February 2025
Text: Hebrews 2:5-10
- In chapter 1 we had seen much teaching about the deity of Christ.
- The truth of Christ’s humanity is just as important as His deity.
- This truth is essential for our salvation.
We need to understand three significant events well to appreciate what Christ has done for us as the Son of Man:
- Paradise was Planned by God for Man (vv.5-8a)
- This plan was revealed in Genesis 1:27,28 – Man was to be supreme among all creatures, exercising dominion over the world.
- This dominion of Man was to be matched by the submission of all things, including angels. (v.5; cf. 1 Corinthians 6:3)
- King David was amazed that Man should be given dominion over all creation. (vv.6-8a; cf. Psalm 8:3-6)
Question: How does the idea of paradise that many people have today compare with the paradise that God planned for us?
- Paradise was Lost by Man Because of Sin (vv.8b, 9b)
- God’s plan for man to have full dominion has not been fulfilled yet since many things are still beyond man’s control. (v.8b)
- Man has been subject to death, disease and disasters because of sin. (cf. Genesis 3:17b-19)
- What hope does Man have of regaining the paradise he lost?
Question: What is the actual cause of the increasingly severe floods, wildfires and extreme weather conditions that have happened recently?
- Paradise was Regained by Jesus through Death (vv.9a, 10)
- Jesus willingly left the honour and glory He had with the Father to take on our human nature while retaining His divine nature. (v.9a)
- To become fully human, He had to experience every aspect of our nature including hunger, thirst, tiredness, pain and suffering.
(cf. Matthew 8:20) - As our new head, Jesus broke death’s dominion over us by resurrecting from the dead. (cf. 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22)
- When Jesus returns, all who belong to Him will exercise dominion over this world in new incorruptible bodies.
- The curse of sin will be completely removed from nature during the millennial kingdom on earth. (cf. Isaiah 11:6-8)
- To regain paradise for us, Jesus had to become fully identified with us. Hence, He had to be made perfect through sufferings. (v.10)
Since verse 9 states that Jesus tasted death for every man, does this mean that every person in the world is saved?
How should we respond to the green movement’s call to take action to save the earth?
Questions for Personal Reflection:
- How far has human dignity and life fallen from God’s plan for Man at creation?
- How does knowing all that Jesus went through to save you help to renew your strength in Him so that you can keep pressing on?
- How can knowing about paradise regained by Jesus give you new hope as you live in an increasingly broken world?