Audio Sermons
Persevering to the End (II)
Renewing Our Strength in the Lord:
Persevering to the End
Life B-P Church Worship Service, 23rd February 2025
Text: Hebrews 3:7-19
- This epistle was written to Hebrew Christians who were tempted to return to Judaism. By doing this, they would end up disobeying Christ and forfeiting all the blessings God had promised.
- This would make them as sinful as their forefathers who rebelled against Moses and wanted to return to Egypt. Only two Israelites of that generation persevered in faith and entered the Promised Land.
- From this we can learn three lessons on how to persevere to the end:
- Do Not Grieve the Lord by Hardening Your Heart (vv.7-11)
- During their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land the Israelites grieved God many times. (vv.8-9)
- The worst time was when they heard that the people of the land are too strong for them to defeat. (Cf. Numbers 14:2-4)
- They rebelled against God by hardening their hearts against Him despite all the love He had shown them. (v.10)
- As a result of this, they were not allowed to enter His rest but died in the wilderness. (v.11)
Question: Is your heart moved by all that God has done for you?
Or have you hardened your heart against God?
- Do Not Depart from the Lord through Unbelief (vv.12, 17-19)
- The writer or Hebrews shows that it was the Israelites’ unbelief that prevented them from entering God’s rest. (vv.17-19)
- Unbelief begins by doubting God’s Word. (Cf. Genesis 15:13-16) Refusing to trust God brings His righteous judgment.
- Hence, the warning in v.12 – “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”
Application: The Christian life is not free from trials. We must keep trusting the Lord for help, and guard our hearts against unbelief.
Question: Those who depart from Christ after professing faith in Him were not genuinely saved. How then can you tell whether you are genuinely saved or not? (Cf. 4:2; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Romans 8:16)
- Exhort One Another to Remain Faithful to the Lord (vv.13-16)
- Perseverance in the faith is both a personal and corporate responsibility.
- There will always be a godly minority who remain faithful to the Lord. (v.16, cf. Joshua and Caleb in Numbers 14:7-9)
- The Israelites were exhorted with truths they already knew:
- The Lord delights in His people
- The Lord is present with His people.
- Constant reminders are useful to prevent us from being deceived by unbelief. (v.13 – “But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”)
Application: How can we exhort one another with these truths?
When can we exhort one another?
A Word of Encouragement:
- With Christ in our life, we have all the help we need to persevere to the end in our journey of life. (v.14 – “For we are made partakers of Christ…”)
- Christ knows exactly how to help us because He has gone through all the difficulties of life and persevered to the end. By abiding in Him we can have a part in His victory!
Questions for Personal Reflection:
- What are some ways you can persevere in your faith, even in the face of new challenges?
- How does knowing biblical truths about Christ help to renew your strength in Him so that you can keep pressing on?
- What should you do for someone you know who has departed from Christ?