Audio Sermons

Renewing Our Strength in the Lord:

The Better High Priest

Life B-P Church Worship Service, 23rd March 2025

Text: Hebrews 5:1-10


  • The role of Jesus as our great high priest is so important that the writer’s exposition on it continues to the end of chapter 7.
  • To resist the strong temptation to return to Judaism, the Jewish believers must be convinced that they now have a better high priest.
  • Human priests are hindered by a sinful nature. Being sinless, Jesus alone can effectively bridge the gap between man and God.
  • We can be greatly encouraged to persevere in our faith in Jesus by knowing how well He fulfils the role of a high priest:


  1. The Compassion that Jesus Has for Us (vv.1-3)
  • Only a priest who has compassion for his people can represent them well before God. (vv.1,2; cf. Luke 10:30,31; Hebrews 4:14)
  • Jesus qualifies since He became fully human, and He has shown how compassionate He was. (cf. Luke 23:34; John 20:27; 21:15-17)

Question: How does knowing His compassion help you know that all your sins are forgiven, and that He will restore you if you return to Him?


  1. The Calling that Jesus Received from God (vv.4-6,10)
  • The only way to become a priest is to be appointed by God. (v.4, cf. Exodus 28:1; Numbers 16; 2 Chronicles 26:16-21)
  • Jesus was appointed by God to be both king and priest. (vv.5,6, Psalm 2:7,8; Acts 13:33; Matthew 28:18-20; Psalm 110:1,2,4)
  • Therefore, His priesthood is of a different order from the established priesthood of Israel. (v.10)
  • At that time, the system of worship in Judaism was dominated by a corrupt high priest appointed by men. Jesus is appointed by God.

Application: In the Last days we must be careful not to be deceived by those who are not truly called of God. (cf. Matthew 24:24)


  1. The Conflicts that Jesus Suffered on Earth (vv.7-9)
  • A high priest’s effectiveness can be seen by how well he responds to personal conflicts and struggles.
  • Jesus responded with prayers that were answered by God. (vv.7,8; cf. Luke 6:12; John 12:27,28; Luke 22:42-44; 23:34; Matthew 26:46; Luke 23:46)
  • Since Jesus had suffered so much on earth, He can pray for us with the deepest knowledge of our trials and suffering.


Application: How can His learning of obedience on earth bring comfort to us when it is our turn to die? (cf. Philippians 2:8)



  • There is no better priest for us than our Lord Jesus.
  • He deserves to be our Great High Priest since He alone can bridge the wide gap between a holy God and sinful man.


Questions for Personal Reflection:

  1. Since Jesus gives us free access to God, how well do you use this access?
  2. Only those who obey Jesus have eternal salvation. (v.9)
    Have you obeyed Jesus by coming to God by Him? (John 14:6)

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