O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


9.00 am

Call to Worship

Eld Chia Ah Lak

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

Come, Christians, Join To Sing (TSMS 597)

Scripture Reading

1 Corinthians 15:1-10; 53-58


Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (TSMS 681)

Choir Item

Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery

Infant Baptism & Reaffirmation of Faith

Rev Quek Keng Khwang

Trust and Obey (HGG 525)

Adult Baptism & Transfer of Membership

Rev Charles Seet
Offertory Hymn

It Is a Thing Most Wonderful (TSMS 287)

Doxology & Prayer

Eld Chia Ah Lak

Pastoral Prayer Rev Charles Seet

Christ is Risen from the Dead! (1 Corinthians 15:1-10; 53-58) by Rev Charles Seet

Closing Hymn

He Lives! (HGG 169)

Benediction Rev Charles Seet



 I was born into a Christian family, where my parents brought me to church faithfully every Sunday and taught me the Word of God, so I was filled with the Bible’s knowledge and Christianity from a very young age. Many times in my life, I prayed the sinner’s prayer, as I was taught it was the right thing to do and that through believing in Jesus, I will be saved from sin. However, I still did not feel that I really loved the Lord - there still was that emptiness in my heart that I tried to fill with friends and entertainment, and as I grew older, with school and my phone. While I prayed to God daily, I only did so out of habit, where I would pray only before meals, before sleeping, or when I needed help.

After years of keeping up with this Christian façade, I started to doubt my own actions and beliefs- was I truly born again? I was doing what I thought a Christian normally did; pray, read the Bible, go to church and serve God. But deep down in my heart I was not sure if Jesus truly resided in me. As I left homeschooling to enter public school, I started to stray away from God even more. When I had pockets of free time, I was too “exhausted” from school to read the Bible or talk to God, and instead chose to scroll on social media. I also started to grow even more prideful, often acting in defiance when my parents pointed out my mistakes and using my intellect and logic to prove that I was right. I stubbornly chose not to see that I simply wanted to “win” my parents and that I was refusing to admit my sin when my parents rebuked me. Last year, when I was having my O Levels, I remembered praying to God every time before an exam, but I was treating God like a back-up plan; in case all else fails, at least God can help me.

After my exams were over, I had plenty of time to relax and slow down my life. During this time, I started to read the Bible more and reflect on how hypocritical I was these past years. One day, after another argument with my parents, where I was once again stubbornly keeping my pride, I felt a sensation of guilt and disgust over how I was behaving. I knew then that what I was doing all this while was really like what the Pharisees in Jesus’ time were doing. God allowed me to see how wretched I really was, despite my outward obedience. That night, I confessed my sins to God and asked Him for forgiveness of my sins, admitting that I was fully helpless without Him. For a few days, I felt relief flood over me; this was the first time I really prayed to God with the understanding and weight of how I truly was an unworthy sinner before God, begging for His mercy.

I started to read the Bible more slowly and deeply in the morning, starting to discover messages that God has tucked in many verses that seem to talk personally to me. I also talked to God beyond the normal “praying times”. In my daily life, I started to see how God was working in my life and in people’s lives. Things were not all instantly easy, though. I still faced temptations, especially when I got back to a busier lifestyle. I started to struggle against these distractions with my own willpower, obeying God out of duty, only to realize that once again I was starting to go back to my hypocritical manners. Reading from Romans 8:2, I learnt that I should not use my own strength to fight against sin, but ask God to give me the strength through the Holy Spirit to struggle against sin in the journey of sanctification. Today, I am still a work in progress. Sometimes, I still let my pride overtake me instead of being humble to admit my mistakes, but now with the Spirit’s help I ask God and the people I hurt for forgiveness. Now that I am in a new phase in life, it is going to be another challenge to continue to keep close to God, but I know that as His child, God will help me in my pilgrim’s journey! All praise and glory to God for His bountiful grace and mercy.

Abigail Elena Kusuma (Baptism)

I was born and raised in Hong Kong, educated in a Christian primary school and then a Catholic high school in this former British colony, and when I was young I just blindly followed what the Bible teachers asked me to do such as memorizing the Bible verses, singing hymns, reading the biblical related textbooks just for the sake of trying to get a good score in the classes. I also joined the Boys’ Brigade until I reached 12 years old just because my brother and my uncle were members there. However, all these did not make me a Christian.

When studying in university, I rejected the gospel and declined invitations by my classmates to a Friday evening fellowship group in Church and Sunday worship service. I continued my earthly life as a working adult after graduation, being a workaholic trying to advance my career and earning more money, just like many Hong Kongers my age did. I migrated to Singapore in the mid-1990s.

My wife is a Singaporean and she was raised in a Christian family. During the few years after my move to Singapore, I woke up early almost every Sunday morning just to get to Sunday worship service with my late father-in-law and my wife. My only purpose of going to Church during that time was to please and accompany them both. No other reason.

However, over a period of time, I felt that with God's grace and in His divine way, I slowly felt He was calling me for a change of heart, and calling me to repentance. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and got baptized in 2004. My Christian journey was not an easy one as I was still a young believer that time. The more I learnt of God's word and the better I got to know Him, the more I know I did not deserve His Love.

I am thankful to God for His forgiveness, grace, blessings, divine protection, divine wisdom, and trials all these years (Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.) The greatest joy I recently have had is that my parents were baptized late last year. I am very thankful to God for this as I will see them in heaven. I also want to thank God that from the Catechism classes I recently attended I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that it is imperative that God always be placed in the centre of my life, be it related to family, job, evangelistic matters or relationships with others.

Simon Ko Chi Man (Transfer)

My name is Margaret Ang, I am enjoying my thirtieth year of marriage to my husband, Simon. We have three children, who are all studying in university now. I was born and raised in a Christian family. During my early years as a Christian, everything seemed routine to me. However, things started to change during the COVID pandemic last year. My mother’s domestic helper had to be sent back to Indonesia for breaching her work permit conditions. Hence, I had to become my mother’s full-time caregiver. It was an arduous struggle as my mother’s dementia condition worsened and it got more challenging and difficult to take care of her each day. I was feeling very helpless and lost while caring for her.

However, through the experience and process of caregiving, God gave me the opportunity to walk this difficult journey with Him. God used this trial to grow my faith. I learnt to rely completely on His strength and surrendered my will to His. I thanked God for answering my prayer, and I found a good nursing home for my mother to meet her medical needs. Through this journey with the Lord, I learnt to trust Him and I was reminded of how God’s grace is always sufficient for me. I have also learnt that prayer is about courage and faith – the courage to ask God for the seemingly impossible, and the faith to trust in His timing.

God has spoken to me through Psalm 71, which tells us that He is our rock and refuge that we can always go to for shelter. Finally, I have learnt to praise God through the storms He allows in my life. Whatever challenge I am facing right now, I know it is not too small for His attention nor too big for His grace and power. May God continue to bless my walk in Christ.

Margaret Ang Lee Ping (Transfer)

Early Days

As a free thinker, I had been attending church for almost 14 years. At the start, I was invited by my then boyfriend who is now my husband. I did not enjoy going to church back then as I did not understand the Bible. As a non-believer, I did not agree with everything that was shared and was sometimes resistant to what was shared. I chose to believe in myself and think that any challenges can be overcome if I have a strong willpower. The old me would have preferred to do things my way.

The turning point in life

Through the years, despite my boyfriend’s/husband’s patience and guidance through prayers and explaining the questions that I had, I was usually hesitant to attend any classes.

The first turning point was about 4 years ago where I was exposed to Exploring Christianity. I had many good teachers who shared with me God’s word through logical reasoning and references. It was then that I felt my heart start to open to God’s word. Looking back, I notice small changes in me where any challenges in life and I felt tired being in control, I naturally started to turn towards God through prayers to seek comfort and help. I also started to read the Bible to find God’s grace during my quiet time. I am given a sense of comfort and courage which I had never felt before.

The second turning point was through my search on God’s word and as I reflect back at life. I often pondered about life after death and how God has not forsaken me all this while. Through the challenges and experiences in life, I have experienced God’s grace and how he has sent me Angels in my life to help me through this journey. It was then that I decided to not procrastinate any further and to commit my faith to God.

My life since then

It is still a journey for me and I am still learning about God’s word. I no longer dread going to church. I find peace, love and comfort through Christ.

Jerlynn Lim Xue Lin (Baptism)

Growing up in a Christian family, I am very grateful to my parents and siblings for encouraging me to read God's Word and bringing me up in the faith. To be honest, recently I had some horrifying doubts on whether the Bible is true, but I thank God for bringing me back to Him and drawing close to me each time I doubted Him. Now, the doubts I have about God are lessening and my faith in Him is growing, slowly but surely. A few years ago, I did not really take seriously nor apply the principle that we are to live for Christ, but now I am striving to live for Him and get to know Him, although I may sometimes struggle with doing it because even though the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. Before I signed up for the Catechism class, the only time I really saturated my mind with God was during my quiet time, but now I constantly know that I must be a light for God and that my sole purpose in life is to glorify Him, not just read the Bible and pray for ten minutes before hitting the sack. Last time, I did not really turn to God when I encountered problems, instead I tried to rely on my strength or seek help from others to solve my problem. Now, I have understood that I am to be a light for Christ and a mirror reflecting God's glory, and that I am to turn to God first instead of man in times of trouble.

I now still grapple with the problems of sinfulness and doubt here and there, but I pray the Holy Spirit will work in me to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit and both my faith and love for God will grow as I progress through the trials of life. Although I do not know when I was truly saved and am still questioning whether I have been a healthy Christian, I know that I am willing to follow Christ and live a life pleasing to Him. I pray that God will strengthen my weak faith and that He will guide me, not letting my heart be swayed by earthly influences or ideas. I have begun to realize that God has been blessing me every day of my life and comforting me with His Word. I hope to be fully assured of my salvation and yearn for a closer walk with God, and that I will find joy in obeying His Law. Whenever I face trials or temptations, instead of using "logical reasoning" to defuse my sinful tendencies, I am now trying to remind myself of the simple fact that I am to please God and not man. My prayer is to serve God with a humble heart, be it through obeying His Word or spreading the gospel to others. May Christ be exalted in all that I do.

Benjamin Tan Xue Qi (Reaffirmation)

I was blessed to be baptised when I was an infant and raised in a Christian family. However, I constantly felt that I did not trust the Lord. In my primary school, I dreaded going to school because the environment was toxic. In addition, most of my friends were non-Christians and I would be envious that they could sleep in on Sunday mornings or go out with each other.

I thought my turning point was going to a Christian secondary school as I believed that I would be in a healthy school environment with godly friends.  However, I was wrong. I never realised that there would also be bullying in a Christian school. There was always a group of girls in my class that constantly targeted people and many people disliked them.

One day, my friends told me that one of the girls had been admitted to hospital. I didn’t think I would feel bad for the girl. That was when I remembered this verse which I had read during my Quiet Time every night. ‘But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you,’ Matthew 5:44. This verse was the first thing that came to my mind. So, I prayed for her and I felt she was kinder when she returned from school.  These are some of the instances that helped me to believe in Christ.

In addition, there was once I was very sick and my parents had to look after me through the night. As I saw their sacrifices and their prayers for my wellbeing, I remembered how God sent his only begotten Son so that He can die for our sins. Thank God that I felt better the next day and believed that Jesus is my Saviour and Lord.

Katie Cheng Shing Hui (Reaffirmation)

1. My life before I was saved:

Two years ago, my heart was full of anger towards people who did nothing for us but mess up and belittle my family. So I sealed it in my heart and my mind that I would never forgive them because of the bad things they did to us.  So when I had the opportunity to go abroad to work I didn't hesitate to accept it even though I don't know what would happen to me here after I accept the offer. And I did not expect that when I came here, I would also meet God here.

2. My turning point in my life:

I decided to know God because I wanted to ask his forgiveness for the sins I have committed, so that I can also forgive those people who have sinned against us. I also wanted to heal my heart that was full of anger and be free of the resentment that I carried in my heart. While I was reading my Bible which my employer give me, I read Colossians 3:13 – “Forbearing one other and forgiving one other, if any man have a quarrel against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”

When I read this, I realized that no matter how serious the sin was done to me, I must forgive them for the ease of my heart and my mind.

3. My life after I was saved.

Now that I know God and have accepted Him into my life, I learn to trust and have faith in Him. I am now learning to read the Bible to know more about God, praying and giving thanks for everything He has done to me.

Biag Emerlita Joy Aquino (Baptism)

When I was as young as 3 years old, my father brought me to a house church in my block of flats which eventually became New Life Bible-Presbyterian Church in 10 Marsiling Lane. Attending church was a routine for me during Sundays and much of my growing up personality was shaped there. I recall raising up my hand when my Sunday School teacher asked if anyone wanted to believe in Jesus. Becoming a Christian was a natural thing to do, after all church taught me to be a good person in general, and I constantly got praises for being a well-behaved boy.

It was not until secondary school that I began to be distracted by other things in life, such as meeting expectations of parents and others things that seem to appeal to me more than the normal routines that I was used to. I found myself absenting from fellowship meetings and giving excuses for doing so. Thankfully I had a Sunday School teacher who was sensitive towards my behaviour and continued to check on me. He was relentless in his pursuit and reminded me of the good shepherd looking for his lost sheep. It was his simple actions of care, and not throwing Bible verses at me which made me say yes when he asked me to attend the class to consider getting baptised or be re-affirmed in the faith. Attending Catechism Classes caused me to reflect deeply on my present and past, and what it meant to be a follower of Christ. I was clearly convinced that my faith is dead in routines unless I work it out with the help of the Holy Spirit.

After I was baptised, I endeavoured to live my life for God. I began to pray from my heart instead of just doing it as a deed. God became personal to me for the first time, and I serve Him with gladness to meet only His expectations and not anyone else’s. Many years have passed, although there are times I still do fall and stray away from God, He always restores me when I go to Him in prayer. I thank God for my Sunday School teacher who exemplified the love of God through simple yet meaningful ways and pointed me to consider about my spiritual state. It is my prayer that God will renew my spirit and that of my family as new members of Life BP Church as we endeavour to fellowship and serve with the brethren here till He comes.

Aaron Tan Jin Hoe (Transfer)

I grew up in a family of four. Though my parents are non-Christians, my mum was rather receptive of the Christian faith. Hence she put me through 12 years of Primary to Junior College education in Methodist schools. It was there that I was exposed to Christianity. I accepted Christ through my form teacher in Primary 4, when she shared and prayed with me.  

I joined the Girls' Brigade (GB) as a CCA in Sec 1.  My faith grew and I learnt much about God in those years. My mum was supportive of my faith, but not my dad. There was persecution at home. During JC, I started attending church at the invitation of friends but did not have a commitment to stay and serve in one. It was only after my A-Levels that I decided it was time to settle down in my best friend's church: New Life BP Church. There I met my better half and he invited me to join the Youth Fellowship. 

After graduation, I was baptized when I turned 21 yrs old and got married 5 years later. As a couple, we grew through the fellowship groups (Youth, Young Adults, Adults) and served together in the various ministries such as the English Choir, and teaching in Junior and Senior Sunday School. We also served in missions where we helped our pastor plan for several mission trips to our mission station in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Through a very special calling from the Lord, I eventually helped the church set up and support a GB company and served in the ministry for about 3+ years. I believe God in His perfect timing had equipped me to serve Him.

I thank God for His saving grace and mercies over the years, and for the various opportunities to serve and grow together with fellow Christians. As we embark on our new journey in Life BPC and also as young parents, I look forward to getting to know more members in time to come and to be able to serve alongside with like-minded brethren.

Carol Tan Sui Mei (Transfer)

The Day I Could No Longer Deny Jesus

Greetings in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I would like to share my experience of how I came to know Jesus and I hope others who are also seeking to draw closer to God can relate to it and be encouraged to follow their hearts to proceed.

The journey to knowing Jesus began when I was working at Ahmad Ibrahim Student Care Centre (AISCC) as an administrative assistant. I was introduced to the Emmanuel Reformed Bible Lectures at Life Bible-Presbyterian Church (Life BP Church) by the managers at this centre. I also started to attend church services at Life BP Church. As I began to learn more about Jesus, I noticed gradual changes in my personality - being more selfless and compassionate to help those in plight or in need. 

Before Knowing Jesus Christ 

I stopped attending church after I left the job at AISCC to pursue a degree due to hectic schedules. I was either studying diligently and burning midnight oil or working as a part-time tutor. At times, I would be volunteering at one of the animal shelters. I thought that doing good deeds would make me happy. But I was wrong. These deeds did not help me to grow spiritually nor give me lasting peace and joy from helping others. I was soon overwhelmed by many challenges in life. I continued to struggle with the daily huddles in life and this made me feel constantly down in the dumps and frustrated.

After graduating from the university, I had high hopes to make it big in my career which was why I was very much focused on earning money and climbing up the career ladder. I was caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for wealth and power. More intense competition led to more politics in the workplace - some who were bullied became the bully. I also found myself struggling to meet the expectations of my seniors; I wanted to do more to please them to get in their good books. Back then, I had low self-esteem because I did not graduate from a local university and was not a high flyer unlike my peers. These were detrimental self-thoughts which hurt my confidence. Expectedly, my first career ended on a sad note.

Knowing Jesus Christ

He woke me up from my slumber after I decided to change my career path. I found myself wanting to make a difference in others’ lives when I started to make a bold career shift. It was not a smooth sailing journey in the beginning, though, as colleagues were gossiping at work behind my back and giving me sarcastic remarks.  However, the manager disregarded those ill-intentions and was willing to give me a chance to prove them wrong. 

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” 

- Luke 6:31

God placed another Christian to be there to hold the door for me and let him give me an opportunity to learn at work.  God was always there to lift me up during difficult times.  He gave me the strength and courage to sail through the storms. I was resilient because of Him not giving up on me. In return, I started to help those people around me who were victimised by team members because they were not popular and slower in learning the ropes. 

“When God has something for you, it doesn’t matter who stands against it. God will move someone that’s holding you back away from the door and put someone there who will open it for you if it’s meant for you. I don’t know what your future is, but if you are willing to take the harder way, the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first than successes, the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, more victory, more glory then you will not regret it.”  

 - Chadwick Boseman

This quote will always serve as a reminder that God is always there when I face a challenge or even start to doubt myself. With this newfound strength, I continue to help others in need and thrive in my new career.

After Knowing Christ 

I learnt that pride closes the door to spiritual growth, but humility opens the door of your life to more of God's grace based on my past experience at work. He made me humble myself after experiencing failures and hurdles. I gradually learnt to thank God more often and gratefulness stopped my pride from ballooning.

My gratitude and appreciation towards our Saviour started to grow stronger as I learnt more about Him through His words during the Catechism class. God gave us patience, peace, and gentleness. The Holy Spirit was helping me to understand that I had a constant need for His support. Hence, I started to be mindful that our talents and abilities were gifts from God. This is where our true strength lies.

“He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.”

– Psalm 25:9 (ESV)

My thoughts

Our grades do not define us but it is our mindset that will limit our chances at success. What truly matters is the plans that God has in store for us and His words will be the guide and lamp to our feet. Hence, His plans for us will define the purpose of our existence.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

-Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Elisabeth Toh Ming Li (Baptism)




 The GB Committee wishes to register four thanksgiving items for the Enrolment Service this coming Saturday.

First, praise and thank God that after the stringent restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Enrolment Service can now be held in Life BPC this year as One Company, from Sec One to Four. When the service was held in the school, the multi-purpose hall could not contain the entire company due to safe distancing. Now that the service is held in the church it is also a good opportunity for the church to resume interacting with the girls and the girls will likewise be able to get acquainted with their sponsoring church. Nevertheless, the GB Com is thankful that the school was able to accommodate and support the event during the last three years that saw not just the teachers but also the school leaders and the students’ PA team putting their hands together, to make the occasion possible.

The second thanksgiving is the 18 recruits who will be officially added to the 13th Company during the Enrolment Service. Out of the 18 recruits, 3 are from the Secondary 3 cohort of the school. This number is also the largest since the start of the pandemic and the GB Com is excited to take every opportunity to interact and bond with all the 48 girls of the 13th Company.

The third thanksgiving item is the response of 10 alumni who have responded positively to the invite to attend the Enrolment Service in support of their juniors. This is the biggest number ever and it is such an encouragement to the GB Com who will be able to catch up with them and enquire of their well-being since they graduated from Sembawang Secondary School. In addition, since they are no longer in the school, it will be the best opportunity to freely approach the girls in the light of friendship-evangelism, to befriend and share the Gospel with them with the hope of them coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Last but not least, Life BPC is into the tenth year of sponsoring Sembawang Secondary School and there is no doubt that the Lord has orchestrated this wonderful opportunity to reach out to girls who do not know the Lord personally through lessons from the Bible, life skills and related crafts, camps and outings, and just bonding through fellowship. The GB Com is very thankful for many church ladies who have participated in this ministry as well as Rev Daniel Khoo and two elders – Elder Sng Teck Leong and Elder Khoo Peng Kiat. Although the GB ministry is now restricted to ladies who must attend the Officer’s Training Course, we praise and thank God for one addition, Sis Tan Kwee Mui, into the pool of helpers.

For logistics reasons (for example the catering of lunch packs), the GB Com has rolled out online registration for the occasion, but it is certainly not intended to hamper any opportunity of interacting with the girls. Furthermore, anyone from the GB Com will not hesitate to give you their lunch pack.

While the church has organized many Gospel outreaches be it Gospel Sundays, D2D evangelism, street evangelism, and Exploring Christianity, one of the greatest opportunities in the carrying out of the Great Commission is through the GB girls who come to our own church grounds by themselves! While it is easy to read in our church weekly, the published testimonies of two or three girls of each year’s Enrolment Service, nothing beats first-hand testimonies through interacting with the girls face-to-face. So come, if you are available, to this Saturday’s Enrolment Service at Beulah MPH, 11am. See you! - GB Com


Link for online registration:  http://gg.gg/sss-gb13


Appointments for the Week

Monday, April 10

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Historical Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, April 11

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Girls’ Brigade)

Wednesday, April 12

        3.00 pm     Gardeners’ Hangout

Thursday, April 13

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: History of Presbyterian & B-P Churches (Rev Lee Hock Chin)

Friday, April 14

        7.30 pm     MM BS

        8.00 pm     LF Meeting

Saturday, April 15

  3.00 pm YAF / MM BS

Sunday, April 16

  8.00 am Are You a Genuine Believer? (Acts 8:9-24) Rev Charles Seet

  8.00 am Choir Practice

  9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Are You a Genuine Believer? (Acts 8:9-24) Rev Charles Seet

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)



Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting cum Elections

Sunday, 23 April 2023, 10.45 am

All members of Life B-P Church are reminded to attend this meeting. The Combined English Worship Service begins at 9:00 am (No Sunday School).


Church Camp 2023

13-16 June 2023

Due to overwhelming response, church camp 2023 registration is now closed. You can still register by emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but will be placed on the waiting list on a first-come-first-serve basis. Passport details can be submitted via the same email address, or at the dropbox before entering the sanctuary. Love gift to defray the cost of the camp is welcomed.


Gospel Sunday

30 April 2023, 8.00am & 11.00am

When Death gives way to Life

1 Corinthians 15:20-28


Door to Door Evangelism

16 April 2023 (next Sunday)

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm

Contact: Amos


Vacation Bible School 2023

Theme: Mission Himpossible.

Calling all children aged 4-12 years old (N2-P6)! Registration for Vacation Bible School (31 May-2 Jun) is now open! Lifers are still needed for the available areas of service: teaching, logistics, craft, games, F&B and photography. Register now @ lifebpc.com/vbs !


Ladies’ Friday Fellowship

14 Apr 2023, 8.00 pm

“A study on the Missionary journeys of Paul

- Session 4” by Sis Lilian Lee.

All ladies are welcome.

Contact Sis G Yeo  for Zoom details.


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Dn Yeo if you are available.



Our condolences to sister E Low on the demise of her mother, Mdm Tia S E @ Tey S E (83 years old) on Monday, 3 April 2023.


GAF Tackling the common Dental Issues of the Adult Population

Date: 29 April 2023

Time: 3pm

Venue: Beulah MPH

Speakers: Prof Loh Fun Chee & Dr Nicholas Lim

Contact Lee Chee Weng, Sim Siew Hoon, Ong Beng Hong


Mental Health Seminar

Date: 6 May 2023

Time: 3-6pm

Venue: Beulah MPH

Speakers: Rev Lee Hann Yang & Dr Daniel Kwek

Register at https://forms.gle/Dax8umTHXtXEY9go6

Deadline: 30th Apr


Exploring Christianity

Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians searching to know who God is (2) Christians who would like to understand the basics of what it means to be a Christian.

The seminar will be held on 1 May 2023, from 9am-12.30pm at Beulah Centre. Lunch will be provided. All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith.

To register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/ExpChr2023 


Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064