O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

11.00 am
Call to Worship

Dn Russell Indran 

Dn Russell Indran

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

O Worship the King (HGG 46)

O Worship the King (HGG 46)
Scripture Reading

1 John 2:1-17

1 John 2:1-17


Thou Sweet Beloved Will of God (HGG 528)

Thou Sweet Beloved Will of God (HGG 528)

Offertory Hymn

The Lily of the Valley (HGG 398)

TThe Lily of the Valley (HGG 398)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

The Price of Pride (Acts 12:20-23) by Eld Roger Lim

The Price of Pride (Acts 12:20-23) by Eld Roger Lim
Closing Hymn

Be Thou My Vision (HGG 462)

Be Thou My Vision (HGG 462) 




(Hebrews 13:1)

The last chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews begins with this important injunction: “Let brotherly love continue.” As the writer brings his Epistle to its conclusion, he makes his final word of instruction on brotherly love. If we have experienced God’s love in sacrificing His Son on the cross for our sins (Hebrews 1-12), then let us show it by loving others. Nothing is more like our Saviour than love. Nothing is more unlike Him than the absence of love.

The writer uses the Greek word “philadelphia,” which speaks of a brotherly affection among Christians; a love that expresses itself in the warmth of friendship based on family ties in the family of God. There should always be plenty of brotherly love among Lifers, and this brotherly love should continue. Christian character and maturity is not mere moral or doctrinal correctness, as we sometimes over-emphasize, but, importantly, also the manifestation of God’s love in our lives towards other believers. Therefore, Lifers must be bounded together by the cord of love as Paul exhorts us in Colossians 3:14: “And above all these things put on LOVE, which is the bond of perfectness.” Without love, our gathering together results in nothing, and the work of God within the Church will be hindered.

1.       Brotherly Love is Founded on God’s Love for Us

Where did the concept of love come from? Did it come from man? No! Man’s heart is evil and wicked. Love comes from God! The love which the believer is to have for others finds its source in God. This is how we know what love is. Love describes who God is; it is His very nature. John explains in 1 John 4:7, “for love is of God” and in verse 8, he declares, “for God is love.” Our God is a loving God, abounding plentifully in love. This is who God is. When we show love to others, we show who our God is to those around us, especially to those who do not know Him. When we show love to others, we are simply dealing with them the way God has dealt with us – with tender lovingkindness. Love is how a Christian should confess his faith.

From the truth that God is love, John draws a further deduction (1 John 4:7-8): “Every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God.” Wow! The one who does not love has never known God. That is, he is a stranger to God. For the Christian to profess to know God, and yet does not manifest love, it is like claiming to be intimate with a foreigner whose language he cannot even speak. Indeed, brotherly love is a telltale sign of our salvation as John writes (1 John 3:14): “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.” Love, genuine, active love, not in words only but in deeds, is the badge of Christian discipleship. If we do not love one another, any profession of faith we have is but a meaningless, vain delusion. Are you a loving Christian? If not, is it a symptom of a deeper problem? Perhaps your love for God has waned and grown cold? When love for Christ falters, then love for our brethren normally flags as well.

2.   The Hindrance to Brotherly Love

Hebrews 13:1 does not say, “Get brotherly love started,” but “let brotherly love continue.” It implies that there is brotherly love among Christians. But it also suggests that this brotherly bond may be in danger of flagging or waning. There are many factors that can cause brotherly love to wane. The basic hindrance to the exercise of brotherly love is self-love. Self-love is to be so occupied and obsessed with ourselves that we lose sight of the interests and needs of others. Paul warns Timothy that men would be “lovers of their own selves” (2 Timothy 3:2). We live in a self-centered society that makes us focus and think more of ourselves than of those around us. All too often we are more concerned about ourselves than we are about our brethren.

Almost all relationship conflicts can be traced back to some degree of selfishness. James 4:1: “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” In every church that is torn apart by a lack of brotherly love, look around, and you will see self-love. For instance,

-   Paul loved the believers in the Church at Philippi. But beneath the affection and warmth, there were personal rivalries and ambitions between certain members of the Church. Paul had to exhort the believers there (Philippians 2:3-4): “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”

-    The Church at Corinth was bestowed with many spiritual gifts. Yet it was a divided Church. All the bickering, backbiting, all the strife and divisions tell us that “brotherly love” was in short supply. Hence, the great chapter on love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) is written to remind us that love is longsuffering, kind, not envious, not proud, seeks not its own……..

The moment we make our own will or self the centre of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men become impossible. The essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but the denial of self. So, if we want to let brotherly love continue, we have got to fight our own love of self. Self must die if brotherly love is to continue. Brotherly love will treat another better than yourself, will share with others, will forgive those who wronged you, will be kind to others, will restore the weak, will not be offensive to those who don’t agree with you, will help others to grow, will encourage and will not speak evil of others. It is a love that eagerly seeks out and rejoices in the good qualities in other believers. Romans 12:3-4,10: “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith …. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”

3.   Continuing in Brotherly Love

The writer of Hebrews issues a command to let love for one another in the family of God “continue,” a word than can also be translated “dwell” or “abide”. It is as if the writer is saying, “Give love a home.” That is how it comes to us: “Give love a home in Life Church! Make love of others such a priority that it is happy to take up residence among us.” John Calvin wisely observed, “Nothing flows away so easily as love!” This is why there are many New Testament commands to love one another. In 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10, Paul writes, “But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. And indeed, ye do it toward all the brethren which are in all Macedonia: but we beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more.” Peter has this instruction for believers in 1 Peter 1:22: “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.” Both Paul and Peter are saying, “Since you have brotherly love, exercise it!” Sometimes we think that love should be spontaneous and effortless. But brotherly love is not automatic! If you don’t focus on it and work at it, it easily flows away. Brotherly love must be nurtured.

How do we continue in brotherly love in Life Church? We must follow the example which Christ has left us. Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Love, as exemplified by Christ, is self-sacrificing, and shows itself in a servant mentality, actively ministering to others. Love is about meeting the needs of others. It is being mindful of the needs of other Lifers. Do you come to church to have your needs met or to meet the needs of others? Brotherly love is unselfish. It is generous. 1 John 3:17: “But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” If God has given you the means and opportunity to meet the needs of a brother or sister, and you refuse to help that person, John asks the question, “How can the love of God dwell in you?” Where there is no Christlikeness or brotherly love, there is no grace, no reality of faith, no work of the Holy Spirit.

The hymn, “Channels Only” emphasizes this principle that we need to see ourselves as a channel, a means that God can use to help other believers in the church. It is said that the Church of Christ consists not of buildings however grand and impressive they may be; it does not consist of creeds or confessions however eloquent or high sounding they may be; it does not consist of liturgy or forms however majestic they may be. It consists of sinners saved by grace because God loves us and has commanded us to love one another. Ephesians 5:1-2: “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” Let brotherly love continue in Life Church. This is a divine duty.

Elder Ng Beng Kiong  

* * *

VBS 2023 Helpers’ Testimonies

The theme verse for VBS this year was from Luke 1:37: “For with God, nothing shall be impossible”. Yes, we are truly grateful to God for making all things possible. Just like the main focus of our first lesson, Jesus Calms the Storm, God ruled over everything right from the beginning. We started planning for the VBS way back in 2020 but our plans had to be put on hold because of the Covid-19 crisis. When we restarted our planning for VBS, many of us had to recall how we used to conduct our VBS. Nevertheless, as time went by, things began to take shape. We thank God for helping us to plan and execute our plan efficiently.

The second lesson, God Feeds the 5000, taught us that God cares and provides for our needs. Indeed, we thank God for sending us our co-labourers. In fact, there were so many at the time of our Helpers’ Briefing on 7th May that we had to transfer some of them to other departments. Truly, we thank God the Kindy Department was able to work well as a team. There were staffers who had to handle dual and even triple roles! These were the registrars, runners and dismissal teachers. Even our songleader and pianist had to be assistant teachers for all three days. Thank God for the F&B team who ensured we were well-fed throughout the three days of VBS so we did not have to work on empty stomachs.

We also thank God for working things out in His time. Just the week or two before VBS, I learnt that a main teacher and our storyteller had tested positive but they recovered in time to serve in VBS. God kept all our staff fit and healthy during the three days. Days 1 and 3 were super-hot. Day 2 was wet and rainy. Through it all, God preserved our staff so they could continue with His work in sowing the gospel seed in the hearts of young children. 

Finally, we would like to thank God for the number of children who had signed up for VBS. Since it was the first VBS after a lapse of three years, God gave us slightly more than 60 children so we could start “small” instead of the usual 80-90 kids. We were truly grateful that dismissal could be carried out smoothly and the children were delivered safely to their parents/guardians at the end of each day.

Indeed, it is heartening to see Lifers and regular visitors come together to serve God in this outreach to young children. The young people impressed me with their enthusiasm. Kudos to the young Games helpers, some of whom were in their early teens, who delivered clear instructions and confidently shared how the different games were related to the daily stories. I would not have been that confident speaking in front of a group of children at their age.

May God’s Word not return unto Him void and may the gospel seed sown in the hearts of these young children take root and bear fruit one day. We pray the children will take heed of the main emphasis of the third day’s lesson: God forgives. May these children seek God’s forgiveness for their sins before Jesus returns. To God be all glory!

Song Ching (HOD, Kindy Department)

I thank God that VBS ran smoothly throughout the 3 days! I was hesitant when I was first approached by Pastor Quek to take up the position as Crafts I/C last year as I knew that weeks prior to VBS, I would be busy preparing for my exams on top of my daily work. Additionally, I didn’t have any experience preparing more than 200 craft kits for the students.

But I thank God for answered prayers! And thankful to Him for leading me through it and blessing me with helpful hands and making this all possible. A special thanks to Kee Yao and my mum for helping with all the preparation. I also can’t thank my fellow Crafts I/C Kit Yeng and craft team (Auntie Joan, Glenda, Katie, Sarah, Charlotte, Charis, Clare) enough for helping with the décor and packing the kits. I was so touched by their enthusiasm and joy when teaching the students. And I am also grateful for this opportunity to serve alongside them.

Also, a special shoutout to all the committee members and volunteers for their hard work in making all this possible! It was indeed a rewarding experience for me.

Though my interactions with the students were short, it is in my prayers that our Lord God will continue to work in their hearts and may the non-believers that attended VBS accept Christ as their Lord and saviour. Indeed, for with God nothing shall be impossible!

Cassandra Chen (HOD, Craft)

Thank GOD for His mercy that our church can have VBS again on site. Seeing the little ones coming to the LORD's house is wonderful. On the first day, the children were not familiar with one another and were much quieter but on the second and third day, there were more noise. Thanks to Sister Sharon and Brother Josiah who led them in joyful singing. Deacon Benedict is a great story teller to the children who listened attentively to the truth given. We give thanks for the young and old who served together with unity (Psalm 133:1). This is an opportunity given to reach out to the unsaved. I will pray to the LORD to bless the gospel seeds that have been sown in these little souls to grow like mustard seeds.  Lastly, it is a great privilege and joy to serve GOD in VBS and I will participate in future VBS as long as the LORD grants me health and strength to do so.

Christina Toh (Primary Teacher)

Praises to God for enabling the FnB team to work so well together with the objective of serving Him.  We were much blessed with the dedicated leadership of our Head Khor Chiew Ling and Assistant Head Simone Yeak as well as valuable inputs from experienced helpers such as Ada Chua.  Personally, I am thankful to God for healing me in time from Covid so that I could serve in VBS and at the same time had fellowship with the sisters.  I have been encouraged by the sisters’ testimonies and selfless service to the Lord.  May God help each one of us to be a shining light for His glory!

The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.  Lamentations 3:25

Ong Ning Ning (F&B Helper)

It is with thankfulness, that I can testify of God's goodness in providing teachers (including myself) with the energy for continual interaction with the children throughout the 3 days.

I feel very grateful and privileged to be in His Service, as we sow the Word, and invite the children to receive the Lord as their Saviour and God for those who had not known Him. At the same time, we also take the opportunity to strengthen the faith of the children, who are already believers, so that they know Him better.

Benjamin Heng (Primary Teacher)

After being blessed by a wonderful experience at the VBS of 2019, I was thrilled to be able to serve at VBS once more after a hiatus of 3 years. So in my haste, I volunteered myself for a teaching role with the Kindy department when I had every intention of returning to the Primary Department, only to realise my blunder much later.  But this turned out to be a good mistake and it was perhaps all part of God’s plan! I was blessed with an incredible team of co and assistant teachers who made me feel secure despite my lack of experience, and I thank God for them. The bible stories, delivered in a simple, succinct but nevertheless impactful manner, were timely reminders of how God, despite being the ultimate ruler of the universe, is a gracious and forgiving Father who knows and cares for our every need. What struck me most was the children’s ability to recollect the exact words spoken by Jesus as recorded in the Bible and the depth of knowledge they displayed at such a tender age, which was both humbling and enlightening. They truly inspired me to delve deeper into my own faith journey as I eagerly await to see God’s plans unfold before me, knowing He has a reason in all that has happened. And as Jesus said “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as little child shall in no wise enter therein.” Luke 18:17.

Ivy Ong (Kindy Teacher)

This is my first time helping out in the VBS after many years of worshipping in LBPC, although I have been previously involved in VBS in my former church and overseas missions. I was assigned to assist the veteran teachers in one of the P3 classes. As I was observing these 2 very experienced teachers, I picked up many ideas of how to share the gospel and how to relate bible stories in a lively and interesting way, so as to engage these young ones under our care. These children, as with most children nowadays, are more vocal and they are not shy to ask questions/ make comments (which may sometimes be challenging). They seem to be more 'knowledgeable', nevertheless, it is not surprising that they lack maturity in their thinking/processing of information. However, the good thing is that they are still very teachable at this tender age; thus it is so important that we seize this opportunity, at this early stage of their lives, to sow the seed of the gospel  in their hearts and water it with our prayers; so that a rich harvest of souls can be reaped for Christ's kingdom and His glory. On the whole, I thank the Lord for enabling the smooth coordination and efficient running of all the different 'departments' (logistics, food/beverages, games, craft etc) , notwithstanding some childish squabbles among the younger children; I felt that everything turned out well for His Glory.

Anne Lee (Primary Teacher)

After a seemingly interminable hiatus, it was good to be back in VBS. More so for me as i'd not been able to help out with VBS since before COVID. However, despite the many different roles and departments I've been privileged to participate in, God's blessings have always been very prolific and apparent.

It was good to see the turnout for both staff and attendees alike, and as always, the HODs and all involved really were exemplary in their commitment and execution. Where this was a first for me in that both myself and my kids were involved [as attendees], it was very good to see how they enjoyed the programme for the Pre-Primary and Primary departments alike.

While the 3 days seemed to just flit by, it is my prayer that the children, both the believers and non-believers will take home the precious lessons gleaned from their time in VBS, and that they will be strengthened in the truths of God's love. I would highly recommend anyone who has not yet come to join VBS, (whether as staff or participant) to simply mark out your calendars and join us next year Deo Volente- God will no doubt bless you and make it a very memorable and good learning experience in many ways!

Jason Foo (Primary Teacher)


God's working behind the scenes was clearly evident for the whole duration of this year's Vacation Bible School - which was my first time being involved in the programme, either as a helper or participant.

Having limited experience in teaching children, I was initially taken aback when I was asked to help out in the VBS as a singspiration leader and an assistant teacher. Deciding to venture out of my general 'comfort zone' in service, I cautiously accepted the offer, wondering what facing down dozens of primary school children with my somewhat reticent character would be like.

To my pleasant surprise, the children were mostly receptive when I led the singspiration. Despite starting the programme relatively early at 9 a.m. every day, many of the kids could be seen eagerly singing the familiar children's songs - the likes of which included "With Christ in the Vessel" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" - and doing the actions that sometimes accompanied the lyrics. With God's help, I managed to find the energy - dare I say charisma? - to engage the children and teach them the songs. More importantly, I could see how many kids came to understand important Biblical principles and stories that were succinctly summarised in these songs, even if they could not all remember the Bible verses which they were based upon. For example, some of these concepts included: how God is love, how God is able to accomplish all, and how with Christ in our hearts we have nothing to fear. I could see how God worked in the hearts of these little ones to help them to understand his word, through song.

As an assistant teacher, I was also offered the chance to teach a handful of primary 3 children in the classroom, where we conducted question-and-answer sessions, followed by a time of self-reflection, to reinforce application points from the Bible story told on that day. Having learnt sooner rather than later that some of these kids were extremely active and energetic, I was again concerned that I would be unable to grab their attention for more than a few seconds or that I would not be able to answer any queries they had in a way they could easily understand. Nonetheless, by God's grace, many of the children did in fact understand the Bible stories, which were "Jesus Calms the Storm", "Jesus Feeds the 5000+" and "Jesus Heals the Paralytic", and were able to answer our questions. It was also apparent to me that many of them did think deeply on these stories from the Gospels, clarifying points they did not previously comprehend (one boy adorably asked: "Why is the feeding of the 5000+ a miracle? Why couldn't Jesus just feed one loaf to a group of 1000 each?") and raising some more challenging doctrinal questions (A popular one on the Godhead Trinity was: "If Jesus is God, is God Jesus?"). More importantly, many of the children were able to identify sin in their lives (such as fighting with their friends or seeking retaliation against perceived wrongs done against them) and the need for Jesus to be accepted into their lives as Lord and Saviour.

Through this VBS, I think God's word has been sown in the hearts of these little ones. By his grace, and with the help of their families and the wider church community to water these seeds, I hope that these words of truth and love from God may bear fruit and continually guide them in their lives.

Josiah Teo (Primary Teacher)


* * *

VBS 2023: Reflections from Primary Students

This whole VBS (Vacation Bible School) has been on faith. Day 1: Jesus calms the storm / Jesus walks on water. Both on faith. The disciples did not trust Jesus on the storm. Peter didn’t have enough faith in Jesus. Day 2: Jesus fed 5,000. The little boy had faith. Last day: the man’s friends had faith in Jesus.

Just like God calmed the storm, you should learn to have faith. If you are scared, you just look to God for strength. Memory verse: Jeremiah 32:17.

- Jarron Tan (P3 Gentleness)

1) I learnt that God wants us to love and pray for our enemies

2) I learnt that no good deed can save us; only by praying and trusting God, then we can be saved

3) F = faithful
A = amazing
I = …
T = true
H = holy

- Faith Lim (P3 Goodness)

I learnt that Jesus is the only one that can forgive our sins.

- Asher Wang (P3 Gentleness)

I learnt that no matter what you do, you cannot reach God but through Jesus only.

- Leigh-Ann (P3 Goodness)

Alleluia! I learnt that God is all powerful, and He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus. He can do many miracles. One day, Jesus will come and save us.

- Jun Yang (P3 Goodness)

Today I learnt that we should not be afraid, because God will always be there to guide us. I want to believe and have faith in Jesus, because He is our father and we are His lamb.

- Kayla Fan (P2 Peace)

Today I learnt that Jesus is the only one that can do miracles like calming a storm and walking on water. I want to learn to trust in You and have faith in You.

- Isaac Kum (P2 Peace)

God I thank You for all the things You made: the heaven, the earth and a lot of other things.

- Yap Xiang Yow (P3 Goodness)

My Reflection

I learnt:

Jesus is always with us

JEsus is powerful

Storms listen to Him

Under Jesus’ power, we will never be afraid

Saint Jesus can walk on water


(I can:)

Can pray to God

Help others

Run a shop for charity

In heaven I can still pray

Stand strong and don't give up

Thank God


- Clarissa Ooi (P2 Patience)

I can talk to my friend about her/his problem and if he/she doesn’t know about Jesus yet, I can give him/her a tract and tell him/her about Jesus and give him/her a little bible to read from about Jesus.

- Kristen Koy (P5/6 Temperance)


I would preach the Gospel to my friend and tell her/him how to be a shining light for God.

- Claire Ann (P4 Meekness) 

* * *

VBS 2023: Kindy Department Children Testimonies

Today I learnt: Jesus is so powerful. I want to praise and pray to Jesus!

Caryn Wu (K2 Faith)

Today I learnt: I feel good. I did craft. I love craft. I love to sing to God. I love Jesus. I want to sing to Jesus.

Victoria Toh (K2 Faith)

Today I learnt: that I don’t need to be scared and that Jesus is always with me. I want to learn more about God.

Evangeline Ong (K2 Faith)

Today I learnt: about Jesus stop the storm. I want to trust God and not be naughty.

Charlotte Sim (K2 Grace)

Today I learnt: that Jesus calmed the storm. I want to repent all my sins.

Tan Kei Ern (K2 Grace)


Appointments for the Week

Tuesday, Jun 27

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Eld Clement Tan)

Thursday, Jun 29

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

Saturday, Jul 1

        3.00 pm     LTF 36th Anniversary

        3.00 pm     YF / YAF

Sunday, Jul 2

        8.00 am     God’s Unstoppable Word! Acts 12:24 (Rev Calvin Loh)

        8.00 am     Choir Practice

        9.15 am     Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am God’s Unstoppable Word! Acts 12:24 (Rev Calvin Loh, with Holy Communion)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)



Church Camp 2023

For those who have attended the camp, you are welcome to submit and share your testimonies to glorify God and to edify others. Kindly submit them to Dn Wang Chin Kiong by Today.


Catechism Class for Anniversary Baptism on 15 October 2023

will commence on 9 July 2023.

Please pre-register by emailing to Church Office. Those seeking baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership must attend the catechism class. Closing date: 2 July 2023.


Door to Door Evangelism 2 Jul 2023 (Next Sunday)

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm Contact: Desmond  or Amos


ERBL Evening Lectures

July-November 2023

1)       Old Testament Poetic Books by Rev Charles Seet (Monday @ 7.30 pm)

2)       The Theology of Prayer by Pastor Tan Soon Yong (Thursday @ 7.30 pm)

It will be conducted on-site at No. 10 Gilstead Road. It is compulsory for all Credit Students to attend lectures on-site and Audit Students can either attend lectures via Zoom platform or on-site. Interested parties can register for the courses online at https://lifebpc.com/erbl/index.php/registration-tt    


Gospel Sunday

30 July 2023 “God has a message for you” by Pastor Wei En Yi.


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Bro Yeo HS if you are available.


Emmanuel Reformed Bible College is offering the following courses from July-November 2023 at No. 1 Tao Ching Road.

1) Introduction to the New Testament by Rev Ho Chee Lai (Monday @ 10 am)

2) Anthropology & Soteriology by Rev Isaac Ong (Tuesday @ 10 am)

3) Marriage & Family Counselling by Rev Gabriel Gan (Wednesday @ 10 am)

4) The Book of Romans by Rev Ho Chee Lai (Wednesday @ 1.30 pm)

5) Homiletic by Rev Isaac Ong    (Thursday @ 10 am)

6) Principles and Method of Teaching by Ms June Tan (Friday @ 10 am)

7) The Intertestamental Period by Ms June Tan (Friday @ 1.30 pm)

For registration and details of the courses, please refer to our website: www.erbc.sg.


SeniorCare Engagement would like to invite you for our next event on June 28, 9.30am. There will be a talk on Scam prevention by the Police PRAISE team. Please text Matthew our SeniorCare Coordinator to register your attendance for logistics purposes. We look forward to seeing you there.


LTF 36th Anniversary

(1 July 2023, 3-6pm @ Beulah MPH) Dinner will be provided


Exploring Christianity

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? If there is a good and powerful God, why do we have global pandemics and unrest in this world?  The answers to these questions can be found in the Bible, which is God's word to man.

Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians seeking God and (2) Christians who would like to learn how to evangelise.
The first session will be held on a Saturday, 22 July 2023, from 3-6.30pm at Beulah Centre, Room 2-1. Dinner will be provided. Kindly note that the other 3 sessions will be held on Sunday mornings. All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith. 

Register at  https://tinyurl.com/ECJul2023

Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064