23 July 2023 - GB FORTNIGHT 2023

O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

11.00 am
Call to Worship

Eld Roger Lim

Eld Roger Lim

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

Blessed Assurance (HGG 408)

Blessed Assurance (HGG 408)
Scripture Reading

Acts 14:1-20

Acts 14:1-20


The Solid Rock (HGG 392)

SS Presentation:Young Teens Dept

May the Lord find Us Faithful (TSMS 260)

Offertory Hymn

Art Thou Afraid (HGG 628)

Art Thou Afraid (HGG 628)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

Stay the Course! (Acts 14:1-28) by Rev Quek Keng Khwang

Stay the Course! (Acts 14:1-28) by Rev Quek Keng Khwang
Closing Hymn

All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (HGG 494)

All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (HGG 494)




The Girls’ Brigade Fortnight (GBFN) is an annual donation drive that supports our effort to help every girl fulfil her fullest potential. Striving towards the GB mission of “Every Girl a leader, every Officer a servant leader”; GBFN aims to assist the girls fulfilling this mission. This year’s fund collection will breakdown: 61% will go to company programmes and leadership training; 25% to The Girls’ Brigade Singapore (GBHQ) community development and national events; and lastly 14% to GBHQ organisation development and administration. The national target for this year’s GB Fortnight is S$600,000. 

We are thankful that throughout the decades, God has been a faithful provider to the movement, allowing every Officer to do her very best amongst girls. Girls’ Brigade Fortnight (GBFN) exists beyond the needs of individual Companies and invests in the future of The Girls’ Brigade Singapore (GBHQ) and its work here in Singapore. What you do, impacts the next generation – just as we have benefitted from those who have come before us.

With COVID-19 opening up, our girls will be able to come to church and ask for donations from the church members physically. However, tapping on modern technology, GBHQ has an alternative in the donation drive which is an online platform for this fund-raising event through undefined. You may also scan the below QR code which will lead you to the donation page and you may choose to donate through debit/credit card deduction or PayNow/PayLah! Under the scroll down menu please select ’13 Singapore Company’ which is the GB company sponsored by Life B-P Church since 2013.

The donation drive will start from 30th July 2023 and continue till 10th September 2023. We thank you for your generosity in helping the girls fulfil their greatest potential!    

The above table shows how we have budgeted the funds into the respective categories:


Enrichment Activities - To promote GB as a choice CCA and ensure good member attendance, there were various enrichment activities organised to offset the total cost. Examples of these activities were the Bubble Tea workshop, prawning activity, upcoming Yakult and Gardenia factory visit.


Uniform Items – To replenish the girls’ stock of old or tight uniform parts such as T-shirts, boots and dress as and when it is needed. The Volunteer Adult Leaders (VALs) and Teachers’ GB crest polo T-shirts also need to be purchased as and when needed.


Good Attendance Incentive - To acknowledge the members’ commitment level in the CCA and to encourage active participation, small gifts and certificates were given to them.


Membership Fees – To be collected by GBHQ based on number of members including VALs and teachers.


Student Leadership Training Fees – To subsidise the course fees of the cost of the training fees charged by GBHQ.


Handicraft Materials – To be claimed by teachers/officers when they conduct craft works during CCA parades. An example is paper quilling activity.


Food and Beverages – To be used for fellowship/bonding times during break times or after parades.


Miscellaneous – To be used for VAL GBHQ Training fees, transport costs for collection of items from GBHQ to school.

For the past nine years, GB girls from Sembawang Secondary School had been coming to Life BPC to raise funds for GBFN (except during COVID-19 restricted period). GBFN has served as a rare occasion to invite the GB girls to the church. Many of the GB girls come from non-Christian families and this event extends a great opportunity for the girls to visit our church, to experience Christian love, fellowship, and to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Lord’s House.

When COVID-19 restrictions were finally lifted, the GB teachers were very excited and eager to organize some GB events in church such as the GB Enrolment Service and GBFN. We thank God for their enthusiasm in allowing the girls to have this evangelistic opportunity. They will be in church for GBFN next Sunday (30 July).

Our GB girls come from different family backgrounds. This event allows them to step out of their comfort zone to approach new people, as some of them are rather shy and introverted. Our senior girls will be paired with the juniors, and this gives them a chance to take the lead. To support them, our GB officers and VALs will also assist in guiding them through the entire event. This allows the adults to get to know the girls better and build up the trust and bond. In addition, our young Lifers, especially the LTFers, will be planning some welcoming activities to connect with the GB girls.

This event will also teach the GB girls to show integrity and responsibility with the donations they received and help them gain confidence in interacting with church members. We would like to thank the church members who had shown care and patience with our girls during the past GBFN events in church. We had received very positive post event feedback from the girls regarding their experience, such as the church members were very warm and friendly; they were surprised by the very generous giving and they felt a sense of accomplishment after the event. This made them look forward to the next church visit for more learning experience.

Last but not least, we would like to share the testimonies of the two senior girls at this year’s GB Enrolment service held in the church as attached below to give you an insight of their experience. Pray with us that the hearts and minds of our GB Girls will be open towards the Gospel message and that the testimonies of Lifers will win them to Christ in due time.

By Corporal Isabel

Good morning everyone, I am Corporal Isabel. I am happy to share my testimony today. I hope this could inspire and help my juniors who are still on their journey.

The first thing that I would like to share with everyone is what I have learned from Girls’ Brigade. One very special lesson I have learnt throughout my time in this CCA is to step out of my comfort zone. I am a very quiet person and I tend to stay away from the limelight. When I first joined the Girls’ Brigade, I was extremely intimidated by the amount of initiative the members had to take, especially by the seniors. However, as I spent more time with the people in this CCA and as my teachers encouraged me, I slowly opened up. Girls’ Brigade had helped me to become more confident in speaking up and leading self and others.

Secondly, I want to share what the aunties in GB have taught me. Whenever we gathered to do spiritual badgework or do activities together, their passion in teaching us motivated me to participate more actively. I have learnt to put in more effort in the activities so that I could actually benefit from them. Because of the aunties’ commitment to GB and to all the girls, I am able to learn to my fullest potential in every CCA session. They are an important pillar in this CCA and I hope my juniors could also learn a lot from them and appreciate their contribution to the CCA.

Lastly, I want to talk about the various activities in the Girls’ Brigade. I learned First Aid, took part in Bubble Tea workshop, foot drills, raised funds at the church and many other activities. All these experiences have given me new skills and made me more knowledgeable. I have also become closer to my friends and made wonderful memories with them. I am grateful for the memories and they will stay with me and help me through life.

I sincerely wish my juniors all the best in their GB journey. Sometimes, it is very tiring, however, please cherish the time you have in the CCA and with your friends. You will make precious memories here. Please listen well to the teachers and aunties. More importantly, have fun and work hard. Thank you!

By Corporal Cherisher Ang

Good morning teachers, parents, church members and fellow GB members, I am Corporal Cherisher from the 13th Company and I will be sharing about my experiences in the Girls’ Brigade. I have learnt how to be a better leader; an efficient team worker and I cherish the time spent in GB.

I have been in GB since 2020 and as a result from participating in the activities held by GB over the years, I have grown a lot. Some of the activities I took part in included a first Aid course, the foot drills competition and GB Friendship Day.

First, the First Aid Course had equipped me with many skills and taught me what to do and how to act during an emergency. I had thoroughly enjoyed the experience as I could learn and grow with my friends. After the course, we had to take a written test and a practical test as well to obtain our certification. Now that I am a certified First Aider, I am more confident to stay calm and perform first aid in the event of an emergency.

Second, I also participated in the GB Drills competition. During the time, I worked with my teammates to perfect our routines during our CCA sessions. Through this experience, I have learnt the importance of teamwork and camaraderie. By working together, we were able to brush up one another’s weaknesses to ensure our routine looked more polished. We also took this opportunity to build bonds.

Third, I also took part in the GB Friendship Day where we helped to organise and wrap presents donated by the members of the public for the less fortunate. While the process was laborious, we had to move the items multiple times, I have learned that others may not have the same privileges as we have so we should not take what we have for granted. In addition, I have learnt to appreciate what we have and not to be greedy.

As a result of my four years in GB, I have grown and matured considerably, and I hope you are able to benefit in this CCA as well and not miss out on the many opportunities to learn and grow alongside one another through the teachings by teachers and the church.

GB Committee


Appointments for the Week

Monday, Jul 24

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Poetic Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, Jul 25

        8.30 am     GAF Outing

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Eld Ng Beng Kiong)

Thursday, Jul 27

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: The Theology of Prayer (Pastor Tan Soon Yong)

Saturday, Jul 29

        3.00 pm     LTF / YAF

        4.00 pm     MM 7th Anniversary (MPH)

Sunday, Jul 30

        8.00 am     Gospel Sunday: God Has A Message For You Obadiah 1 (Pastor Wei En Yi)

        8.00 am Choir Practice

        9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

        9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

        10.15 am Coffee Corner

        11.00 am Gospel Sunday: God Has A Message For You Obadiah 1 (Pastor Wei En Yi)

        11.00 am Children’s Ministry

        11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

        12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

        2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

        4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)




In order to better understand the spiritual life of our congregation, our church pastoral staff is conducting an online survey of the Pulpit Ministry and the Prayer Meeting. Kindly click on the following URL to participate in this survey. Deadline: Wednesday, 9 August 2023. https://lifebpc.com/survey/index.php/313662?lang=en


WITH ONE VOICE (Evening of Praise 2023)

Date:  7 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time:  7pm to 9pm

Venue:          Church Sanctuary

Form your groups to present item of praise unto the Lord! 


Gospel Sunday

30 July 2023 “God has a message for you” by Pastor Wei En Yi.


MM 7th Anniversary

“Rise Up, O Men of God” by Eld Chia Ah Lak. 29 July 2023, 4-7pm @ Beulah MPH. Dinner will be provided


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Bro Yeo HS if you are available.


Participating in upcoming Mission Trips in 2023 

We would like to encourage Life B-P Church members to participate actively in missions both in support and involvement (short-term or otherwise), including medical and dental (MaD) missions, with the hope that some may be called to be full-time missionaries. If you are interested to participate in the upcoming mission trips being planned for 2023, please register your interest by filling in this form: https://forms.gle/Cc4Q22b8csiFmqEY


Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064