12 May 2024 - A MOTHER’S LOVE

O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8:00 am

11:00 am 
Call to Worship

Dn Chen Wei’an

Dn Chen Wei’an

Opening Hymn

To God Be the Glory (HGG 16)

To God Be the Glory (HGG 16)
+Invocation-Gloria Patri


Scripture Reading

Luke 23:54-24:10

Luke 23:54-24:10


O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee (HGG 486) 

O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee (HGG 486)
Offertory Hymn

Make Me a Channel of Blessing (HGG 573)

Make Me a Channel of Blessing (HGG 573)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

“And Certain Women…” (Luke 8:1-3) by Eld Ng Beng Kiong 

“And Certain Women…” (Luke 8:1-3) by Eld Ng Beng Kiong
Closing Hymn

Channels Only (HGG 566)

Channels Only (HGG 566)







    One of the strongest kinds of love the world has ever known is a mother’s love. Mothers sometimes go through very great lengths for the sake of their little ones. Many years ago, a young mother was making her way across the hills, carrying a baby in her arms. During her journey she was caught in a big snow storm and never reached her destination. When the storm had died down, rescuers found her body deep beneath the snow, but they also found that before she died, this mother had taken off her outer clothing and wrapped it around the baby. When they unwrapped the bundle, they were greatly surprised to find the little baby alive and well. The young mother had endured the terrible cold to the point of even giving up her own life for the sake of her child. 

    In the Bible we see similar manifestations of a mother’s love. One example is Jochebed the mother of Moses. According to Exodus 2:2-9 she loved her child so much that she defied the Egyptian king’s order and kept Moses alive for three months. When she could no longer hide him at home, she made a special waterproof ark, put him in it and placed it in the river Nile, instructing her daughter Miriam to watch what happened to it, and trusting that God would somehow preserve the life of her child. Her faith was rewarded, for Moses was discovered by the Egyptian princess and raised up to become the deliverer and lawgiver of Israel. 

    Another biblical example of a mother’s love is seen in Hannah, the mother of Samuel. According to the account given in 1 Samuel 1, Hannah asked the Lord to give her a son and promised to give him to God for His service. Her prayers were answered. Samuel was born, and when he was old enough she fulfilled her vow and brought him to the Tabernacle to serve the Lord there. Samuel grew up to become one of the greatest prophets in Israel’s history. But that is not the end of the story of Hannah. In 1 Samuel 2:19 God has included a little remark that shows his mother’s love for him: “Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.” 

    In the New Testament we see another example of a mother’s love in Matthew 15:21-28 – Here we learn of a Canaanite mother who sought the help of Jesus for her daughter because she was demon-possessed, but He seemed to ignore her. However, she refused to give up, and kept on following and crying to Him “Lord help me, have mercy on me,” believing that Jesus would eventually help her. Even the disciples of Christ asked Him to grant her the help she needed, because she was so persistent. Finally when her reasoning and answer revealed her great faith, Christ commended her and healed her daughter. 

    A mother’s love is truly great. And it is manifested in many ways: protecting her children from danger, caring for them when they are sick, and providing for their welfare, comfort and development. I remember how my own mother loved me and my siblings when we were young. She seemed to have a remedy ready for every ailment in life, including grazed knees, exam stress and sore throats. But more than the physical care that I received from my mother, I cherish the spiritual care and nurture she gave to me. As a Christian mother, she has done more for her children than non-Christian mothers would do for their children. 

    Christian mothers play a very important role in their children’s life. Not only are they to care for the physical, intellectual and emotional well-being of their children. They are also to give great priority to the spiritual well-being of their children. We shall consider four ways in which Christian mothers ought to love their children. 

    Setting a Christian Example for Them 

    The famous preacher, Dr Campbell Morgan, had four sons who also became preachers. At a family reunion, a friend asked one of the sons, “Which Morgan is the greatest preacher?” While the son looked at the father, he replied, “Mother!” What he meant of course was not that the mother actually preached from a pulpit, but that she preached to them through her fine Christian life at home. 

    Mothers, you have the important role of setting a good example. Whatever qualities or characteristics you want you see in your child’s life, be sure that you can find them in your own life. If you want your child to be honest and responsible, then be honest and responsible. If you want your child to be faithful and obedient to God, then be faithful and obedient to God. Your example can be the most important tool you have for shaping and molding the future of your child. 

    Giving them a Christian Education 

    Mothers have an additional responsibility besides setting an example. They are to teach their children why they are living the way they live. And to do this, they must teach their children who God is, what He requires from them, and how they may be reconciled with Him. They need to communicate scriptural principles, values and attitudes to their children.  

    A biblical example of this is found in Eunice and Lois, who were the mother and grandmother of Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5). Because they were god-fearing Jews who loved the Lord and His Word they taught Timothy the Old Testament very well. The Jews had such a high regard for the Scriptures that they took the religious training of their children very seriously. Even while still in swaddling clothes, children were already taught to recognise God as the Father and as the Maker of the world. 

    The Apostle Paul knew how Timothy had been trained by Eunice and Lois, and he wrote about this to Timothy – “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15) It is known that at the age of three years, Jewish infants could repeat portions of scripture and also certain prayers. And at the age of five, they began to read the Hebrew Bible. At six their formal religious education began. 

    Some mothers may say to themselves, “I don’t have time for that, and anyway my children can learn God’s Word when they attend Sunday School or when they attend Vacation Bible School.” While it is true that God’s Word is powerful and effective when taught by any person, a tremendous difference can be made by the person whom the child learns it from. A child is more likely to treasure principles and values imparted to him by his own parent. To hear the same truths he is taught in Sunday School from the lips of a parent adds assurance, confidence and familiarity to what he learns. 

    Creating a Christian Environment for them to live in 

    The home in which a child grows up plays an important role in his development. A child who grows up in home saturated with worldly and materialistic values, will tend to adopt these values as his own. But if a child grows up in a home that is conducive to spiritual growth and that emphasises godly eternal values, he will tend to adopt these values as his own. 

    Today we see the invasion of the home environment by the world. The Christian home faces pressures from worldly pleasures and attractions and from self-centred values. All our efforts in setting a good Christian example for our children and giving them a good Christian education would then go to waste, because the world speaks to them with a louder voice. While adults are able to discern what is good from what is bad, the mind of a child soaks in everything it hears, sees and reads. 

    What can we do about this? Firstly, regulate what the media brings into your home. Will they have a destructive influence? Do your part to keep young minds from being polluted and poisoned by the filth that is being communicated in the name of artistic expression. If you are not sure how to do this, just ask: If Christ were to visit your home, what would you not want Him to see there? 

    Secondly, be ready to give your children the right perspective they should have on the world’s standards and values. Inevitably, you cannot stop all of the world’s influence from coming in some form or other. But you can teach your child to like what is good and to dislike what is bad. 

    Thirdly, fill your home with resources that will communicate the right attitudes and values to your children. You can drown out the world’s influence in your home by increasing the output from good and enriching media. 

    Your objective is to create a home environment that is conducive for cultivating godliness, and for developing genuine devotion and love for God and His Word. However, there is one more thing that a Christian mother ought to do, without which all her efforts will be in vain. 

    Praying for them Earnestly 

    If you want the very best for your children, pray that God will work in their hearts, guide them, protect them, and prosper them, and make them useful citizens of His kingdom. Pray also for God’s wisdom and guidance to raise them up to become godly people who will love Him and do His will. 

    In the fourth century there was a godly mother who prayed for her son. Augustine was seventeen years old when his father died. He was a prodigal son who brought a lot of heartache to his widowed mother, Monica. Although she had raised him well in the Christian faith, Augustine was lazy, went astray and indulged in wine, women and song. Monica was especially disheartened when he got involved in a Persian cult. 

    But Monica never gave up praying for her wayward son. For seventeen years she would fast, cry and beg God daily for her son’s salvation. Her prayers were answered one day when Augustine was not only saved, but also consecrated to the Lord’s service. He went to become one of the greatest church leaders in his day. If you have a child who has become wayward, please don’t give up praying for him. God can change his heart, mind and will in His good time. 

    May all mothers in our midst be faithful to do their part, trusting in the Lord to do His part in the lives of their children. – Pastor 


The Joys of Motherhood


Dear Christian mothers, sing your praise

Through all your busy, happy days

To God our Father, kind and good,

For all the joys of motherhood.


For that wee babe with smiling charm

That softly nestles in your arm;

For childish laughter gay and sweet,

And sounds of little scampering feet.



For that young precious merry mite

Who walks with hand in yours held tight;

And for the others older grown,

Who’ve learned to proudly walk alone.


For the blessings often mixed with tears

As they mature through passing years;

And that deep joy that naught can dim,

When children give their hearts to Him.


Fear not the coming day to face,

For God will give you strength and grace –

And hers shall be a great reward

Who trains her children for the Lord.


- Margaret K. Fraser -



Appointments for the Week

Tuesday, May 14

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Eld Michael Ong)

Thursday, May 16

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

Saturday, May 18

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM

Sunday, May 19

  8.00 am     The Blessings of Jesus’ Reign Zechariah 10:1-12 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang, with Holy Communion)

  8.00 am     Choir Practice

  9.15 am     Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am     Sunday School

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am The Blessings of Jesus’ Reign Zechariah 10:1-12 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)




Gospel Sunday 30 June 2024 (8am & 11am)

“In the fulness of Time” by Rev Bendick Ong


Life BPC Job Vacancies

  1. Church Operations Manager (COM)


The COM provides active oversight and support in the mission, administrative affairs and general operations of the Church including Financial Management, HR, MIS Technology, Media Technology, Facilities and General Administration.


  • Bachelor degree or higher
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in operations or managerial positions
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills


  1. Estate Management Officer (EMO)


EMO plans, oversees and coordinates all property management and preventive maintenance activities associated for the church premises. Coordinates facilities usage for a range of Church activities and Church’s authorized users using the premises. The EMO reports to the Church Operation Manager.


  • Diploma or equivalent
  • 5 years’ experience in real estate management and maintenance
  • Certification in real estate management and maintenance is an added advantage
  • Lifers are preferred


Candidates with relevant qualifications and experience may submit your application and CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Traffic Warden Service

We welcome all church members to join in this work. Our TW’s role is to provide godly service to facilitate worship. We need help in following time slots for Sunday: 7.30-8am or 10.30-11am with a frequency of once or twice a month. Please contact Dn Chan Yong or Bro Kelvin. 


Catechism Class for Anniversary Baptism on 20 October 2024

commences on 14 July 2024. Please pre-register by emailing to Church Office. Those seeking baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership must attend the catechism class. Closing date: 7 July 2024.


Door to Door Evangelism

19 May 2024 (Next Sunday) Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30pm Contact: Desmond or Amos 


Holy Communion Elements Preparation

Lifers are invited to serve in the Holy Communion elements preparation, clean-up and washing. Those interested may contact Jenny or Wendy.


Mailbox Club Bible Correspondence Course (MBCC)

Another Church Outreach Ministry invites Lifers to register their young children, teens, or grandchildren with our MBCC. Those whose loved ones, friends or colleagues who are either young in their faith or being non-believers, are interested to know and explore more of Christianity, are also invited to register with us by filling in the registration forms which are now available at the Church front counter and post them to:

Life B-P Church

No.10, Gilstead Road

Singapore 309064

Attention: Mrs Ong Chuay Ying


Church Camp 2024 10-14 June

Collection of church camp fees will take place on 12th (today) at the Church Office during the following timings: during Sunday School (9.30am-10.45am) and immediately after second service. There will be sample T-shirts available (adults and children) to try on for those who want to confirm their sizes.

As we need to track camper’s payments, please make payment at the Church Office. The preferred mode of payment is via PayNow. However cash and cheques will be accepted as well. Emails with payment details will be sent out to all campers.

Please do contact Josiah Seah @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 91552814 if you have any queries.


Exploring Christianity

7 July – 14 August 2024, 9.30am – 10.45am @ Life B-P Church Beulah Centre.

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? If there is a good and powerful God, why do we have global pandemics and unrest in this world?  The answers to these questions can be found in the Bible, which is God's word to man.
Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians seeking God and (2) Christians who would like to learn how to evangelise
All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ECJULY24


Men’s Ministry

The Life BPC Men’s Ministry would like to invite all our Christian brothers to join us for fortnightly Bible study starting from 12/13 July 2024. To register, please contact the Men's Ministry via our email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


YF Camp 2024 16 – 20 Dec 2024

The YF camp committee is happy to announce the dates for YF camp 2024. Although sign-ups have not opened yet, we highly encourage youths and their families to plan around 16-20 December, so that they can come for this camp and enjoy the sweet fellowship and spiritual feasting!


Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064