O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8:00 am

11:00 am 
Call to Worship

Dn Ian Tay 

Dn Ian Tay

Opening Hymn

Abba Father! We Approach Thee (HGG 20) 

Abba Father! We Approach Thee (HGG 20)
Invocation-Gloria Patri


Scripture Reading

2 Chronicles 35:20-27

2 Chronicles 35:20-27


Our Great Saviour (HGG 434) 

Our Great Saviour (HGG 434)

Offertory Hymn

Search Me, O God (HGG 550) 

Search Me, O God (HGG 550)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

Jesus, the Mighty Saviour (Zechariah 12:1-14) by Rev Charles Seet 

Jesus, the Mighty Saviour (Zechariah 12:1-14) by Rev Charles Seet
Closing Hymn

Not What These Hands Have Done (HGG 347) 


Not What These Hands Have Done (HGG 347)

*The Lord’s Supper







Thank God for the many children who attended our church’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) which was held last Wednesday to Friday. We are grateful to the Lord for sending His children to His vineyard as Heads of departments, teachers and helpers to make this VBS possible. We pray that the gospel seed that was sown in the hearts of the children will bring forth much fruit (Matthew 13:8). 

Letting children know the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is of utmost importance (Matthew 19:14), because our adversary, the devil knows his time is short (Revelation 12:12) and is leading an onslaught against children. 

A Spiritual Warfare

Parents, we are on a warpath with Satan. The battle for our children’s hearts by Satan is real. The apostle Paul’s words to the church of Ephesus (a city which was a stronghold of Satan with its great Temple of Diana or Artemis), reminds us of this reality, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Satan is out to capture the hearts of children and youths. With the advance of technology, children today have easy access to unwholesome content in social media with just a swipe of their little fingers on their smartphones. 

Therefore, as parents we must realize that we are in a spiritual warfare against the evil one daily and we should be vigilant and not complacent. The responsibility to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) lies with us. Someone has said that the greatest Bible Institute in the world is the family where parents train their children in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). 

Let us be resolved to begin praying and reading the Bible to our children if we have not done so. No one or nothing can fully replace parents. Outsourcing this spiritual responsibility to the church is inadequate. If we depend solely on the Sunday School or Children’s Worship for spiritual instruction, our children would only receive six hours of it per month. Therefore, it is our primary duty as parents to teach God’s Word in the home to our children: “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8 cf. 6:20). 

Our children are growing up in a world that is anti-Christ and anti-Christian. Moral decay has already set in.  Our children’s worldview and character will be shaped by the world, the social media and friends. Therefore, do not procrastinate. Begin praying with your children and read the Bible to them or with them by having a consistent time of family worship. We must be convinced that the priority in life for our children is not about getting good grades but having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

How then should we go about to have family worship? 

Set Aside Time for Family Worship

Set aside a regular time for family worship. When the children are young, it could be at their bedtime before they sleep. As they grow older and with commitment to school work and co-curricular activities, you could conduct the family worship on weekends after dinner. 

a. Attention Span

We should be mindful of the attention span of the children. For preschoolers, it should be about 5 to 10 minutes of sharing a Bible story and thereafter a short prayer. With primary school-age children, it will be about 15 to 20 minutes. With teenage children and older, the attention span can be from about 20 to 30 minutes. 

b. Teach the Bible

Teaching the Bible during Family worship should not be boring. Parents can use object lessons (see https://www.childrens-ministry-deals.com/pages/bible-object-lessons-for-kids; https://missionbibleclass.org/welcome/bible-stories-and-suggested-themes/ ), role playing, puppets, or free PowerPoint slides from https://www.freebibleimages.org . They can also borrow a variety of children’s Bible storybooks from our church library located at level 1. 

Parents can let their older children read the Bible passage, lead in the time of singspiration from Then Sings My Soul. The parents can make the Bible stories interactive by asking questions. Do not be judgmental but offer praise for the effort to answer. Parents can also teach the children’s shorter catechism, hymn stories, missionary stories, stories of Puritan heroes or stories of spiritual giants during the 16th century Reformation (https://store.ligonier.org/collection/childrens-books).  

Parents can discuss with them the unbiblical beliefs that they face at school, in social media or by their friends. With humble and honest discussion and explanation, the parents can steer them back to the authoritative Word of God against the erroneous teachings they face daily. 

c. Pray Together

One of the greatest blessings in family worship is praying together. It is a joy to hear children talk to God in their child-like faith. Parents, especially the father, can take the lead by praying simple sentences. He can help the child to pray after him and from there, the child will learn how to pray. 

The five-finger prayer is a good aid on what to pray:

  • Thumb – which is the finger closest to us. Thus, pray for our family who are close to us.
  • Pointer Finger – Pray for our teachers, preachers, church leaders who point the way and lead us.
  • Tall Finger – Pray for people in authority for example the government.
  • Ring Finger – which is the finger that is unable to stand on its own, reminding us to pray for people who are weak with illnesses or being discouraged.
  • Little Finger – Pray for ourselves and our own needs.

(source: https://missionbibleclass.org/teaching-ideas/prayer-in-bible-class/five-finger-prayer-for-children/


Family worship is therefore important for families to strengthen their familial relationships and their faith in Christ. It helps parents to disciple their children to be followers of Jesus and to put on the whole armour of God so that they may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm (Ephesians 6:13).

– Rev Quek KK


Appointments for the Week

Tuesday, Jun 4

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (David Lal Tha Suak)

Thursday, Jun 6

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

Saturday, Jun 8

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM

Sunday, Jun 9

  8.00 am     The Twofold Cleansing Zechariah 13:1-9 (Bro Mok Chee Cheong)

  8.00 am     Choir Practice

  9.15 am     Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am     Sunday School

10.15 am     Coffee Corner

11.00 am     The Twofold Cleansing Zechariah 13:1-9 (Bro Mok Chee Cheong)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)



Gospel Sunday 30 June 2024 (8am & 11am)

“In the fulness of Time” by Rev Bendick Ong


Life BPC Job Vacancies

  1. Church Operations Manager (COM)


The COM provides active oversight and support in the mission, administrative affairs and general operations of the Church including Financial Management, HR, MIS Technology, Media Technology, Facilities and General Administration.


  • Bachelor degree or higher
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in operations or managerial positions
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills


  1. Estate Management Officer (EMO)


EMO plans, oversees and coordinates all property management and preventive maintenance activities associated for the church premises. Coordinates facilities usage for a range of Church activities and Church’s authorized users using the premises. The EMO reports to the Church Operation Manager.


  • Diploma or equivalent
  • 5 years’ experience in real estate management and maintenance
  • Certification in real estate management and maintenance is an added advantage
  • Lifers are preferred


Candidates with relevant qualifications and experience may submit your application and CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Traffic Warden Service

We welcome all church members to join in this work. Our TW’s role is to provide godly service to facilitate worship. We need help in following time slots for Sunday: 7.30-8am or 10.30-11am with a frequency of once or twice a month. Please contact Dn Chan Yong or Bro Kelvin. 


Staff Movement

We would like to thank Sis Yeo SH for serving as Church Operations Manager for the past 6 years. Her last day of employment was 31 May 2024. We would like to thank her for her faithful service to the Lord. It is our prayer that the Lord will bless her in all her future endeavours.


Catechism Class for Anniversary Baptism on 20 October 2024

commences on 14 July 2024. Please pre-register by emailing to Church Office. Those seeking baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership must attend the catechism class. Closing date: 7 July 2024.


Door to Door Evangelism

2 June 2024 (Today) Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30pm Contact: Desmond or Amos


Coffee Corner

The Coffee Corner team wishes to thank church members for their food contribution. If you wish to contribute any food item, kindly fill in the form/chart that is posted at the Coffee Corner during operations hours. Or you can contact Sister Amy. This is so that we can plan accordingly for the amount of food we are serving and prepare the appropriate eating utensils.  

Kindly note that however much we appreciate your kindness, due to concerns over Food Safety and SGsecure, we cannot serve food that is left anonymously at the Coffee Corner tables or on the Kitchen counter. We beg your understanding on this matter.  

Thank you for your continuing support for this ministry.  



From Bro Ong EC and family: “My family and I would like to thank the Pastors, Session, and fellow Lifers for the prayers, condolences, concern and words of comfort during the bereavement of my mother. We are truly touched and blessed by the love and support shown toward us. Thank you.” 


Church Camp 2024 (10-14 June)

Camp briefing will be held Today, 4pm at Beulah MPH. Zoom meeting (details will be sent out via emails) will be held concurrently for those who cannot make it physically. All who had registered for the camp are required to attend.
Camp T-shirts are available for collection at the front of the Sanctuary today and on 09 June during Sunday school period (9.30am to 10.45am) and immediately after the second service. Due to delays from the supplier, sizes M and XXL may not be available whereas size L may be limited during the collection today.
Love gift to defray the cost of the camp is welcomed.


In-Person Church Prayer Meeting

2 June 2024, 5pm @ Beulah Rm 2-1



Date: 16th June 2024

Time: 9.40am to 10.35am

Venue: Sanctuary 

Speakers: Rev Efendi (Batam) and Bro Lim Kwang Taek / Sis Miriam Phan (Cambodia) 

All church members are invited to join, including the Young Lifers' Ministry. 

Children's Programme (Nursery/Primary Dept and Junior Dept): Held in Life Meeting Hall with a message by Sis Roska (Indonesia).  

Offerings collected will be designated to Batam & Cambodia missions (main programme) and to Indonesia missions (children's programme). 


Men’s Ministry

The Life BPC Men’s Ministry would like to invite all our Christian brothers to join us for fortnightly Bible study starting from 12/13 July 2024. To register, please contact the Men's Ministry via our email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


LTF 37th Anniversary

22 June, 3pm @ MPH “Running the race of faith well” by Dn Christopher Goh.

LTF warmly invites you to our 37th Anniversary! Please RSVP by completing the form by 8th June if you wish to come. https://tinyurl.com/yya7pehs


Exploring Christianity

7 July – 14 August 2024, 9.30am – 10.45am @ Life B-P Church Beulah Centre.

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? If there is a good and powerful God, why do we have global pandemics and unrest in this world?  The answers to these questions can be found in the Bible, which is God's word to man.
Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians seeking God and (2) Christians who would like to learn how to evangelise
All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ECJULY24


YAF Retreat 2024 22-24 Nov 2024

YAF would like to welcome all young adults and youth to YAF Retreat 2024! This will be our first overnight retreat since 2019 and we look forward to a sweet time of learning and fellowship in Christ. This year’s theme, “Growing Pains, Chasing Gains”, is centred on the challenges and uncertainties that young adults face as we attempt to navigate adulthood and parenthood, as well as seek God’s will for our lives. If you would like to join us from 22-24 Nov 2024, please sign up via the QR code.


LTF Camp 2024 2-6 Dec 2024

For ages 12-17 years old. Venue: Life B-P Church. Save the Date!


Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064