Fully-supported Missionaries (Under direct supervision of Life BPC)

  • Batam, Indonesia: Rev. Efendi Ginting (Tanjung Piayu B-P Church), Bro Mikdal Lisin (Sagulung Baru B-P Church) & Sis Paola Simbolon (Batu Aji B-P Church)
  • Sihanoukville, Cambodia: Bro Lim Kwang Taek & Sis Miriam Phan


a) Fully supported missionaries are those who have agreed to fully comply with the revised missions policy.
b) Their support will be comprehensive and may include, annual leave, sick and hospital leave, compassionate leave, maternity leave, insurance coverage and other benefits, approved by MC.
c) They are under the full spiritual oversight of the MC and therefore they are accountable to the MC as Life BPC commissioned missionaries.  



  • Sihanoukville, Cambodia: Rev and Mrs Moses Hahn (Kompongsom Bible School and Kompongsom Christian School) (See video)
  • Sihanoukville, Cambodia: Rev & Mrs David Koo (Life University and School) (See video)
  • Indonesia: Ibu Roska Choi (Hidup Baru Yayasan)
  • Chiangmai, Thailand: Rev and Mrs Nirand (Eternal Life Church) (See video)