A. Purpose

This Missions Policy, drafted by the Life BPC Missions Committee, (hereinafter referred to as MC) in concurrence with the Constitution, distinctives and doctrinal position of Life BPC is designed to meet the following objectives:

  1. To enable missionaries commissioned by Life BPC to have a clear sense of direction and continuity in their effort to spread the gospel, with the ultimate goal of planting local Bible-believing churches.
  2. To serve as a charter for our missionaries who are fully committed to the system of reformed doctrine as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore, and who approve of the fundamental principles of Presbyterian Church government.
  3. To provide guidelines for the good stewardship of God’s resources and accountability of these resources by the missionaries not only to God, but also to the Life BPC MC and to the congregation who supports their missionary efforts.
  4. To prevent any misunderstanding between our church, missionaries, mission agencies and related institutions.

B. Mission Statement

Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Mission Statement is:

  1. To glorify God by obeying Christ’s commission to preach the gospel to every creature and make disciples of all nations in His name.
  2. To be fully committed to the system of reformed doctrine as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms of Life BPC in Singapore, and which approve of the fundamental principles of Presbyterian Church government.
  3. To be dedicated in defending the gospel as well as propagating it, and in maintaining separation from all unscriptural church involvements.
  4. To maintain standards that will provide the MC and the missionaries a means by which they may more effectively serve God and that will also provide supporters of missions a means by which they may be assured that their gifts are supporting individuals and projects which are dedicated to spreading God’s Word according to truly biblical standards.
  5. To encourage our members to actively participate in missions both in support and involvement (short-term or otherwise), with the hope that through these some may be called to be full-time missionaries.

C. Exceptions

  1. This Missions Policy is not a rigid set of rules. Periodically, certain exceptions are to be made. And when that happens, at least two-thirds of the MC members need to be in favour of the exception.
  2. In the event that there is no consensus, such issues will be referred to BOE for a decision.

D. Revision or Amendments

  1. The MC reserves the right to review the Missions Policy at least once in three years or when deemed necessary.
  2. Any amendment, except for Life BPC Constitution, distinctives and doctrinal position, requires two-thirds of the MC members’ consensus and the approval of the BOE.
  3. Notice of proposed amendments must be given in writing to all MC members not less than sixty days prior to the meeting in which the voting actually takes place. And if the said amendment visibly affects any missionaries serving under the support of Life BPC, opportunity must be given to these to voice their opinions before it is adopted.


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