Audio Sermons

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Title Scripture Speaker Date
Put God first in your life (II) Haggai 2:10-19 Rev Calvin Loh 21 January 2024
Promise and Prospect (II) Haggai 2:1-9 Mr Mok Chee Cheong 14 January 2024
Consider Your Ways (II) Haggai 1:1-15 Rev Charles Seet 07 January 2024
For the Gospel unto the End (II) Acts 28:16-31 Rev Lee Hann Yang 31 December 2023
Showing Leadership in a time of Crisis (II) Acts 27:1-44 Eld Roger Lim 17 December 2023
Obedience to the Heavenly Vision (II) Acts 26:14-20 Rev Quek Keng Khwang 10 December 2023
Do You Have a Clear Conscience? (II) Acts 24:1-27 Rev Charles Seet 03 December 2023
The Reason of the Hope that is in You (II) Acts 21:37-22:24 Rev Lim Yew Cheng 19 November 2023
The Lord’s Will Be Done (II) Acts 21:1-36 Rev William Yap 12 November 2023
Living Before the Face of God (II) Acts 20:17-38 Rev Charles Seet 05 November 2023
The Threat of the Gospel (II) Acts 19:21-41 Eld Chia Ah Lak 29 October 2023
The Word of God Prevailed (II) Acts 19:8-20 Rev Ho Chee Lai 22 October 2023
God’s Abiding Presence (II) Acts 18:1-23 Rev Quek Keng Khwang 08 October 2023
“To the Unknown God” (II) Acts 17:14-34 Rev Charles Seet 01 October 2023
Be a Berean Christian! (II) Acts 17:10-14 Rev Quek Keng Khwang 24 September 2023
When It’s Wrong to turn the Other Cheek (II) Acts 16:35-40 Rev Calvin Loh 17 September 2023
Behind a Frowning Providence, He Hides a Smiling Face (II) Acts 16:16-34 Rev Mark Chen 10 September 2023
Trust and Obey (II) Acts 16:6-15 Rev Charles Seet 03 September 2023
All Things Work Together for Good (II) Acts 15:36-41 Eld Clement Tan 20 August 2023
Shine Your Light (II) Romans 13:1-7 Rev Quek Keng Khwang 06 August 2023

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