Adults Department




Teachers & Contacts

Adults #1

An Expositional Study of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

Recording for Galatians by Mr Lim Seng Hoo (23 March 2025) (Notes)

Lim Seng Hoo

Adults #2 (Ladies)

The book of Ezra (from Feb 2024)

Leong Sow Mun and Mabel Choong

Adults #3 (Men)

The Life of Moses by James Montgomery Boice

Lee Chee Weng, Tan Thiam Hong, Ong Beng Hong, Lim Seng Hoo

Adults #4 (Ladies)

1 and 2 Timothy

Wong Mei Li, Koh Li Na, Daisy Tan, Stella Seet, Sharon Boey

Adults #5 (Ladies, Filipino)

A resilient life

Foo Ai Lin

Adults #6 (Men)

Sermon on the Mount

Elder Clement Tan, Elder Peter Koy, Deacon Alvin Chow

Adults #7 (Mixed)

The book of Romans

Deacon Lim Ming Yann

Adults #8 (Young Motherhood class)

Book study “Risen Motherhood”

Jodie Ong and Dawn Heng

God reminds us of how precious His word are, in the book of Proverbs (4:20-22) My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Indeed, God’s word gives us life, both eternal life, as well as a life filled with joy and meaning, on this earth.

Every Sunday, the Adults Sunday School offers many opportunities to study the word of God. Studying God’s word together confers the wonderful advantage of sharing ideas and observations with each other, not to mention the fellowship together. Some classes encourage participants to take turns to lead the studies, as per individual comfort, and this really helps the individual to grow in the knowledge of God’s word. All these classes are held about 940 am, after the first service.

The main class is in the Adult Sanctuary, and for the first half of this year, brother Lim Pin will lead on the topic spiritual lessons in the life of Moses. 

For those who prefer more discussion in the class, there are various other classes available:

There are 2 women’s Bible Study groups.

Sister Sow Mun and Mabel Choong lead a group in room 1-5 Beulah House and they will be studying the book of Ezra, in the first half of this year.


There is a second Bible women’s Bible Study class, led by Sister Mei Li, Li Na, Daisy, Stella, Sharon Boey in room 4-9 Beulah House and they will be studying 1 and 2 Timothy in the first half of 2024.


There is also a Filipino ladies class, led by Sister Ai Lin, in room 2-11, Beulah House, where they are currently studying “The resilient life”.


 For the men, there are 2 Men’s Bible Study groups, also discussion orientated.

The Adults #3 (Men’s class) is held at room 4-2 Beulah House, and the current topic is “The Life of Moses by James Montgomery”. This group is led by brothers Chee Weng, Beng Hong, Thiam Hong and Seng Hoo.


A second men’s class is held in Room 4-10 in Beulah House, led by Elder Clement Tan, Elder Peter Koy and Dn Alvin Chow. This class is currently studying the beatitudes, from Matthew Chapter 5.


There is also a mixed class, held in room 2-9 at Beulah House, during Sunday School Hour. This class is currently studying the book of Romans, and is facilitated by Dn Lim Ming Yann.


From February 2024, there will be a new class for young mothers, facilitated by Sister Jodie Ong and Sister Dawn Heng. This will be held once a month, on the 4th Sunday of each month, and will be held in the Life Meeting Hall.

If you are looking for a Bible Study Class to attend, please contact one of the teachers above, or please inquire with Dn Ming Yann, who can help direct you to the correct class. Indeed, the word of God is more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. (Psalm 19:10)

May God help us to continue seeking Him diligently each day!

An Expositional Study of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians by Mr Lim Seng Hoo (Notes)

Paul's Authorship of Hebrews by Mr Lim Seng Hoo (3 Nov 2024)  (Notes)

What Should We Know About the Protestant Reformation by Rev Charles Seet (27 Oct 2024) (Notes)

Spiritual Lessons from the life of Moses by Mr Lim Pin 

The Book of Romans by Eld Ng Beng Kiong (Outline

SS Lesson by Dn Russell Indran 

Please check with for other past recordings.


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  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064