Ladies' Fellowship

Programme for 2025

08 Feb — Outing

08 Feb — Bible Study (3pm)

14 Feb — Bible Study (8pm)

15 Feb — Ukelele Class (9am; Rm 4-1)

19 Feb — Bible Study (10am)

22 Feb — Tea Fellowship (2.15pm, Rm 1-6) 


Life Church Ladies Fellowship aims to build up sisters spiritually through God’s word and fellowshipping with one another. For this term (yr 2022-2024,) our theme is Loving God and others, Glorifying Him always.

It is our desire that this theme pervades the different ministries LF has, namely Ladies Friday Fellowship, Ladies Tea Fellowship, Bible Studies and the Love and Care ministry.

We would like to invite sisters in our church to join us in any of this ministry. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Sister Sally who is in charge of the Ladies Tea Fellowship writes:

These past 5 years in the Ladies Fellowship has been an enriching and edifying journey. Thank God for the opportunity to be both a Mary and a Martha, to learn at Jesus’s feet and serve together with likeminded sisters. Having spent a good part of my youth in Life Church Youth Fellowship and Young Adults Fellowship, God impressed in my heart the concept of ‘burning coals’ and the danger of losing the fire if separated from the rest. Thank God for this means of grace and avenue of service.  

It’s truly a joy and blessing to get to know some ladies better through our regular fellowship meetings. Not to mention the mutual encouragement that we give to each other and prayer support for those going through challenging times. Even though we haven’t been able to meet physically due to Covid restrictions, all is not lost. Thank God for technology that allows us to gather via Zoom. A positive outcome having virtual meetings is that more sisters who previously couldn’t join us on site could benefit now from the messages and sharing sessions, even those based overseas or have mobility issues. Allow me to do a little publicity here, our Tea Fellowship on 4th Saturday of each month gives sisters a wholesome and meaningful way to spend time together for food/craft demo, before feeding on God’s word through different series of messages carefully planned by the exco and laboriously prepared by invited speakers, followed by heartfelt sharing in smaller discussion groups. Despite not being able to have on site meetings, various sub groups have been meeting up for sweet fellowship over meals on separate Saturdays.  We encourage all sisters (no age restrictions) to join us and invite sisters who can contribute by sharing recipes or craft work to come forward that we may learn from one another and fellowship over the precious Word of God. 

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. -Hebrews 10:24-25

Ladies Tea Fellowship: ( 4th Saturday of the month, 2.30pm-4.30pm)

Thank God for sustaining the Ladies’ Tea Fellowship for 10 years. It started out in Sept 2011 as an outreach ministry to encourage sisters in Life church who are not in any fellowship group to spend an afternoon on the 4th Saturday of the month, fellowshipping with us and feasting on God’s word through Bible workshops.

To build friendship amongst sisters, food demos were organised with sisters taking turns to share their personal food recipes or guiding us in handicraft work like decoupage and weaving pencil holder baskets.

The Bible workshops which follow, further strengthened our fellowship through the studying of God’s word together.  In the last 3 years, we have covered book studies on the Old Testament (Habbakuk, Haggai, Jonah), the New Testament (Titus) as well as topical messages on “Women in the Bible”, “Living as citizens of the Kingdom” and  workshop on “Encouraging one another” .  We were much blessed through the studying of God’s word through His messengers brought into our midst. At the end of each message, we organised ourselves into small groups for a time of sharing and reflections on the message heard. The questions prepared by the speaker helped us to focus on the lesson learnt and the sharing of personal testimonies relating to the message adds to our growth in our walk with God.

For the next half year from June to December, Elder Chin, our advisor, will be delivering a series of messages on Holy Land Reflections – biblical meditations with explanations of sites in Israel. We would like to encourage sisters to join us and to invite their friends to hear God’s word and gather virtually for fellowship. The call to assemble ourselves together is becoming more important than ever as we are now restricted from gathering physically due to Covid-19.

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:   Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Heb 10:24,25

Some sisters gathered at Sis Gillian’s house for online zoom Tea Fellowship.

Ladies’ Friday Fellowship: ( 2nd & 3rd Friday of the month, 8pm-9.30pm)

The Ladies’ Friday Fellowship came about because there were sisters who wanted to understand more of God’s word and to fellowship but were not free to attend the weekend Ladies’ Fellowship activities. Before the pandemic, we used to meet at Beulah House but presently we are meeting over zoom. This year, our topics are based on Galatians 5:22-23, namely the Fruit of the Spirit.  Our pastors and elders share God’s word with us in the first session ( 2nd Friday of the month) and in the second session ( 3rd Friday of the month), the ladies come together to share what they have gleaned from the messages and how to apply them. As a participant, I benefitted greatly from the sharing of fellow sisters’ experiences - not only how to overcome negative emotions such as anger, impatience etc. but also how to love and to forgive others. Besides this, the interactions help us to know one another better and to pray for one another more meaningfully.  Such opportunities are to be appreciated as we cannot meet physically at the moment.

Love and Care Ministry: (Usually on Tuesday of every week)

This diagram shows that when our lives are centred on Christ, we continue to have close fellowship with Him through Word and Prayers. At the same time, we are constrained by His love to go out to witness to our loved ones, friends and colleagues. Our fellowship therefore is not lacking as we are taught in Heb.10:24-25 – “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching”. Hence, we are encouraging all Lifers to join us in the “Love and Care” Ministry as mentioned in James 1:27. We visit the fatherless, widows(widowers) in their afflictions, those who stay alone at homes with no caregivers, and those who are home-bound due to their sickness in infirmities.  Attached  are some photographs showing the people whom we visited in the last two months before the Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) was in place because of COVID-19 Pandemic on 16 May 2021.

Besides every Tuesday afternoon’s visitation, we also break into smaller groups of three to four people volunteer to go visit some Lifers again or their unsaved parents or loved ones and share the Gospel news with them.

Brethren, we truly find our lives are well lived because we not only take time to reach out to our fellow brethren in this visitation ministry but to also go out to witness and share Christ with their unsaved loved ones.  We encourage more brethren to join us in fulfilling the Great Commission before our Lord Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. God bless!

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Bible Study: ( Group 1- 1st Wed of the month 10am- 11.30am; Group 2-1st Sat of the month 3pm-4.30pm)

The Ladies’ Fellowship Bible Study was formed in early October 2018 to cater to ladies who want to study God’s Word in a smaller group setting so as to have more interaction and in due course develop closer fellowship with one another. There are two groups which meet once a month one on Wednesday mornings and the other on Saturday afternoons.

We embarked on the Bible Study series, The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, Book I and have since progressed to Book II of the series. The participants do their due diligence in preparing answers to the questions for each topic. There are two facilitators for each group and they lead in the lively discussion of the answers. Very often there is sharing of personal experiences related to the topic at hand. From time to time, some sisters in the groups also assist in the facilitation of certain portions of the study. The participants find that they are able to focus on the subject matter studied in a more systematic way. They learn from the sharing of thoughts and views of others in a non-judgmental way and also pray for one another. The lives of all are definitely enriched by the detailed study of the gospel passages relating to the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of each completed chapter, every one is asked to review the contents and look for a principle which God wants the person to apply in her life.

Our plan is to complete the study of all the books in the series and invite more ladies who are keen on this hands-on method of Bible Study to join us so that we can grow together and mutually encourage one another in the faith. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions we were only able to meet once in two separate small groups for sweet fellowship over a meal.

BS outings:

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Zoom Meeting for Sat BS:


Weekly Prayer List:

Interceeding for one another through prayer is a basic but essential need. Every week, we have a faithful sister who compiles prayer items of the sisters and updates us of requests that have been answered. It is indeed a joy to read of how God has answered our prayers for one another.

Fellow church sisters, I hope you will come and join us in these ministries, to grow yourself and others in the Lord.  Without fellowshipping with one another, we are unaware of one another’s challenges and needs. How then can we serve Christ if we are not reaching out to our own? How then can we grow if we do not come together to learn from God’s word and share our experiences and learning journey in Christ?  

I am often reminded that during the time of the prophet Malachi when many had grown cold and complacent, God was well pleased with those who spoke often one to another of the Lord. ( Malachi 3:16- Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.)

Compiled by Sis Gillian


Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064