Lively Teens Fellowship

Lively Teens Fellowship (LTF) is a fellowship for 12 to 17 year-old teens that are seeking Christ together. On every Saturday from 3pm-6pm, we gather together to learn more about God’s Word and build up one another in the faith. Why is it so important for Christians to gather together if we already see one another on Sunday? What is the importance of fellowship, and is it really so different from friendships of the world?

The apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:9 : “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”

 We are called to be set apart from the world, and live in God’s marvellous light! If we spend 5 (or 6) days a week with the world and indulge in their practices, how do we live in God’s light? The answer is: fellowship that is founded on Christ, our cornerstone. It is through our Christian friendships that we see Christ’s love in His people, and reminds us of the great salvation that we have in Jesus our Saviour. Christian friendships that stand the test of time and fiery trials, because they are founded on Christ and not on temporal things like common interests or topics. Christian friendships that offer us respite from the world, and spur us on to become more like Christ.

For the past year, LTF embarked on various programmes, which we will explain non-exhaustively below:

LTF Camp 2023

From 4-8 December last year, we had our annual LTF Camp. By the grace of God, we had almost 40 campers that gathered for 4 days of messages, games and fruitful lessons from the life of Peter as delivered by Bro Joel Seah. Through this camp, we have seen many LTFers not only grow spiritually, but also form closer Christian friendships throughout the duration of the camp. 

Do look forward to LTF Camp 2024 from 2 - 6 December! 

Ruth Bible Study + Message Series

On Saturdays, we had Bible Studies on Ruth last year, which displayed God’s Providence on His people even though we turn away from Him at times, as well as the redemptive nature of God in His plan to save us. Also on the message series of “Growing in our relationship with God”, we were blessed with guest speakers from our church coming to speak on the importance of  reading God’s Word, Fellowship, Prayer and Service.

Combined Fellowship Events:

2023 was also a year filled with plentiful opportunities to interact with our fellow church members from other fellowship groups too. Through these programmes, the LTFers were able to form meaningful bonds with Lifers from other age groups! 

LTF x Seniors on 5th Aug and 2nd Dec

On these 2 dates, LTFers and Seniors alike met to play national day themed games and sang carols together during the Christmas period. 

LTF x YF on 28th Oct

The youth from YLM also joined us for a fun time of fellowship and games, which climaxed in a sandwich-making session where we prepared food for one another and enjoyed refreshments together!


2024 Programme:

Lessons on Assurance Study

Since January, we have started on Lessons on Assurance (LOA), which helped us to be assured of our salvation and how God continues to help us grow in our faith after we accept Christ. With most of us being 2nd-generation Christians, we have often taken our salvation for granted and not thought much about it, with some of us still being unsure of our salvation. Through LOA lessons, we discovered that we have a Saviour who indeed cares for us and uplifts us in His hand today. We hope that as we continue with the LOA lessons, we will work out our salvation with fear and trembling and be equipped sufficiently until the day our Lord returns.

FUN Activities and Engaging Workshops!

This year alone, we had a fun outing to Sentosa with YLM, as well as a Music Workshop and First Aid Workshop organised by the church. We await eagerly in anticipation for the programmes planned in the future!


The Lively Teens gather together every week for different types of activities, that we may provoke one another unto love and good works, “till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13)

It is our earnest prayer that we can say “I saw Jesus in you” to all in LTF (and in Life B-P!) as by God’s grace, we reflect the love of Christ in our fellowship with one another. Parents, if you are looking for a vibrant Christian community to send your child to, we urge you  to partner with LTF, so that we might “Train up a child in the way he should go:” (Prov 22:6a). If you are a teen looking for a community in church and a place where you can see Christ reflected in fellowship, join us for LTF every week!

Join our LTF Announcements channel on Telegram here!



If you have additional queries, do not hesitate to contact the LTF advisor – Eld Woon Sin Wei (8113 0085) 

Programme for 2025

08 Feb — Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount

15 Feb — LTF/YF Loving & Caring

22 Feb — “Clean & Willing Heart” by Dn Wei An



Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064