Young Adults' Fellowship

The Young Adults’ Fellowship (YAF) comprises 46 young adults aged 23 to 35 from all walks of life. We are a community of disciples and servants of the Lord. We seek to build each other up Unto Faith and Good Works, as spelt out by our motto. We gather regularly on Saturdays at 3pm for Bible study to learn more about the Word. We also fellowship with like-minded brethren in Christ over meals, outings, the annual retreat, sports and combined activities with other fellowship groups.


Programme for 2025

01 Feb — Reaching Out Day

08 Feb — Bible Study

15 Feb — CG Day

22 Feb — Bible Study 


Contact: Dn Joash Tan & Brian Ho

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


YAF motto and themes

The YAF motto is to build up YAFers unto faith and good works - faith in Jesus Christ and good works by living out our faith, doing good to those in the same household of faith, and to those beyond our church. The YAF exco had planned a 3-year journey in 2019 that starts with building YAFers up in the faith and then focusing on Christian fellowship and evangelism. We started with our own personal relationship with God because this is the crux of everything else. Without this, there would be no Christian fellowship and evangelism to speak of. Only with a strong personal bond with Christ are we then enabled to build strong Christian bonds with one another and draw others with the love of Christ. All 3 themes of personal faith, Christian fellowship and evangelism are very integral parts of our Christian faith; while there is a different focus for each year, we strive to build up YAFers in all three aspects in each year as well as continue with and build on the initiatives of the previous years.

Personal faith

The YAF has a Bible Study-centric programme to train every YAFer to be able to prepare for and lead Bible Studies so that they are well-equipped to teach in Sunday School, fellowship groups, and conduct family devotion. Bible Studies will continue to be a core element of our YAF programme to provide a platform for YAFers to be nurtured in studying and teaching God’s word. In the Electoral Year 2020/21 (Aug 2020-July 2021), the YAF went through the book of Revelation guided by “The Christian’s guide to victory” by John MacArthur. As the world continues to be plagued by pestilences, geopolitical crises and natural disasters, the book of Revelation has been a poignant reminder for us to remain faithful and hopeful as we look forward to our Lord’s soon return.

On top of our regular Bible Studies, we also conducted bi-monthly webinars and workshops based on the theme “Crazy Busy” – touching on topics pertinent to young adults such as time-management, priority-setting, and social media usage.


Our hybrid Bible Studies combining physical meet-ups and Zoom calls within each CG

Christian Fellowship

While the Covid-19 pandemic has limited the amount of physical interaction we had, we took every opportunity to meet up physically within the government’s guidelines – meeting at each other’s homes in smaller groups for warm, intimate fellowship among Christian brethren.

Within the weekly YAF programme, we strove to have more prayer and sharing sessions in order to better understand one another’s lives, keep one another accountable in the faith, and pray for one another. Within the broader YAF programme, we also planned for more activity days where we had events like online games, board games and makan sessions to bond over more light-hearted moments.


Mixed CG Day


Post-Circuit Breaker Fellowship Meals

Evangelism and Outreach

During the Christmas season last year, the YAF came together to launch a social media campaign called “Words of Christmas.” YAFers would create Insta-stories that explained some of the most commonly used Christmas terms and carols e.g. The First Noel, Bethlehem, Away in a Manger and Emmanuel, and then share them on our personal Instagram accounts to bring the gospel to our friends and families.

The YAF will continue to work with other fellowship groups to conduct gospel rallies and explore new outreach channels for evangelism in tertiary institutions and workplaces with the hope that every YAFer will be actively involved in the Great Commission and personal witnessing. While it has been almost impossible to be physically involved in overseas and even local missions during the Covid pandemic, we can help in every small way – be it through digital channels, words of encouragement to our pastors and missionaries, and most definitely through fervent prayer for both the labourers and the lost.


Our sisters-in-Christ crafting hand-made cards to encourage our pastoral staff as they labour on in the harvest fields

YAF programme


Our YAF programme is planned based on a 6-week cycle. Each cycle comprises 3 weeks of Bible Studies, an event (such as a message, seminar or combined fellowship activity), an activity day (e.g. sports and games), and an off day which often coincides with a YAFer’s wedding.

We warmly welcome all young adults aged 23 to 35 to join us for regular Bible Studies and fellowship with like-minded brethren as we support each other through the challenges that many young adults face – from starting out in the corporate world to raising young families. You may contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or reach out to Joash Tan (96705622) or John Lim (97890513).

Contact Us

  • Phone / Whatsapp: 65 6594 9399
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Location

  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064