Youth Fellowship

YF Telegram Announcement Channel: 

Programme for 2025

Sunday Programme: Youth & Young Adults

02 Feb — Bible Study

09 Feb — Breakfast in CGs

16 Feb — Bible Study

23 Feb — Topical Talk

Saturday Programme: Youth

01 Feb — Book Study

08 Feb — Book Study

15 Feb — Activity with LTF

Contact: Justus Seow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

“And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Rev 12:10-11

Dear brethren,

    Do you feel at home in this world that you live in? We live in a country and age of immense prosperity, comfort, and ease.  We also live in a country which prizes itself on its work ethic, academic excellence, and resolute economy.  The sum total of these realities is that too often we find ourselves convinced that our purpose on this life is either “to eat, and to drink, and to be merry”(Ecc 8:15), or for your soul to “enjoy good in your labour”. (Eccl 2:24).  But is this truly our lot in life?  Is our destiny and object in this existence to live out a mediocre, middle-class, Christianity, one that places ourselves more as permanent residents on this Earth rather than strangers and pilgrims (1 Pet 2:11)? 

Perhaps this question could be easily resolved by a venture into the Book of Acts (which the YF is currently doing a Bible Study on!)  When I read of the Acts of the Apostles, I am utterly astonished.  Their tenacity and vigour in sharing the Gospel causes me to wonder, why is our faith so different? Does not the same Holy spirit that compelled the disciples to stand before councils, subdue kingdoms and be stoned and scourged for their beliefs also reside within me? Could I, or anyone among us claim to be ready not just to be imprisoned, but even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 21:13)? One can only ponder on this when one thinks of the apostle Paul, who went readily to Jerusalem to be offered up as a drink offering, knowing he had fought his fight, finished his race and kept the faith(2 Tim 4:6-7), or of any other of the saints. Indeed, God’s Word draws us toward an undeniable conclusion: that being a follower of Christ means forsaking all and taking up your cross(Matt 16:24); living a life not in friendship but in bitter enmity with the world(James 4:4); counting all things as loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ(Phil 3:8).  For our living to be Christ alone and our dying to be gain.  (Phil 1:21). 

  These are truths that I, that we, as Christian youths need to preach to ourselves every day.  We ought not to sit idly by and allow ourselves to waste away under the tedium of tests, irksome internships, and endless entertainment that this life has to offer.  All these vain and ephemeral things that will add nothing to our heavenly crowns and ought to be ancillary to our heavenly missions.   To vest our lives in these is akin to stuffing ourselves with the side-dishes of false satisfaction when the main course of eternal joy awaits upon our table.  How can any of these things, or even the entire world compare to our very own soul (Mark 8:36), a soul that God Himself has laid His life down for and raised to glory?    

  So then, you may ask, what does fellowship have to do with any of this?  My dear brethren, it has absolutely everything to do with this.  As Hebrews 10:25 impels us, let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, but encourage one another, especially as we see the day approaching.  Fellowship strengthens and unites us together in these perilous times of the last days, especially in the times it is difficult to hold fast to our profession.  In our war upon this earth, we wrestle against powers and principalities (Eph 6:12) not with weapons of warfare, but with the hushed thunder of prayer, the sharpened Sword of the spirit and the fortifications of Fellowship.  Indeed, we are like Spartans huddled together in the Hot Gates, our shields of faith pressed tightly together in phalanx formation to repel the daunting foes of worldliness, doubt, and temptation.   

  This year at YF, our theme is “Just Jesus”, which serves as a reminder to us to be entirely sufficient in Christ, knowing that the fact that God spared not His own Son is the supreme evidence that our God is indeed for us. (Romans 8:31).  In knowing and appreciating this, we can strive to do valiantly, for God shall tread down the foes of our faith. (Ps 60:12).  As we study the book of Acts, listen to messages about Jesus and fellowship together, we hope that we will be refreshed in our love for Christ, and live this love out by boldly proclaiming the Gospel within and without our community.  We also have many impromptu discipleship sessions going on, where you can be mentored by an older brother or sister in Christ!  We would like to warmly invite you, whoever you are, to join our community! We are a body of committed youths whose goal is to know Christ and to make Him known, and they are plenty of us willing to journey alongside you in fulfilling both these missions 😊

  In closing, we hope you will join us here at YF, but if not, just to contemplate what you are truly living for.  Will you live your life in a blaze of Gospel boldness that God will say “well done” to at its end (Matt 25:21) to, or will you  live a life that is neither hot nor cold? (Rev 3:16) A life that puts its hand to the plough and turns back (Matt 9:62), or a life that would sell all it has to gain the pearl of great price, which is Christ? (Matt 13:45).  My fellow youth, I implore you, that you don’t leave eternal life as an afterthought for the afterlife but seize it this very day.  Don’t just draw from the pages of the Word to comfort yourself before exams, interviews, and competitions, but live out its words in discomfort to comfort the comfortless.  Don’t live in soul solitude, but find a Christ-Community, whether here, in school, or at work that will provoke you unto love and to good works.

In Christ’s love,

Ryan Lim (YF Chairman)

To find out more about the YF, contact: Ryan Lim @ 97575870 / Matthew Sim @ 85224533

Or, do join our Telegram channel for more updates on our programme 😊



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  • 9A Gilstead Road Singapore 309063
  • Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064