O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

 11.00 am
Call to Worship

Dn Ian Tay

Dn Ian Tay

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

Crown Him with Many Crowns (HGG 52)

Crown Him with Many Crowns (HGG 52)
Scripture Reading

John 4:27-42

John 4:27-42


The Saviour of the World (HGG 127)

The Saviour of the World (HGG 127)

Offertory Hymn

Take My Life and Let It Be (HGG 560)

Take My Life and Let It Be (HGG 560)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

Philip – A Light in Darkness (Acts 8:4-8) by Rev Ho Chee Lai

Philip – A Light in Darkness (Acts 8:4-8) by Rev Ho Chee Lai

Closing Hymn

Send the Light! (HGG 702)

Send the Light! (HGG 702) 




Not long after Christ’s resurrection and ascension, about 120 disciples of Christ met together for the purpose of setting their house in order (Acts 1:15-26). The outcome of it was the appointment of Matthias as a new apostle of the early church.

Soon after that, the Holy Spirit was poured out (Acts 2:1-4), and the church in Jerusalem increased to about 8,000 members (Acts 2:41; 4:4). As the administration was unable to cope with the needs of the growing membership, another church meeting was held to set the house in order (Acts 6:1-6). The result was the appointment of seven deacons to take care of the logistic needs of the church.

Setting the house in order should never be considered as a purely administrative matter to fulfill some legal requirements of the church. This applies to our Annual Congregation Meeting (ACM): It is to be carried out prayerfully, as well as decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40), remembering that the Lord walks in the midst of His churches (Revelation 2:1).

May every Lifer who is a Communicant Member (i.e. baptized, or reaffirmed his or her faith, or transferred membership to Life B-P Church) therefore take note that it is your biblical duty to be present at the ACM that will be held in four weeks’ time (10:45 am, Sunday, 23rd April 2023). Please make every effort to be present at this meeting where the church’s annual report, treasurer’s report, and this year’s budget will be presented. As there will be an election of office bearers to serve in the Church Session, the Church Constitution requires 50% of all resident communicant members of good standing to be present before the meeting can proceed legally.

For the past three years our ACM has been conducted online rather than in church. Now that the pandemic has subsided sufficiently to allow onsite meetings to resume, this year’s ACM and elections will be conducted in our church sanctuary.

Proper Organisation

Besides the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the church needs proper organization to serve the Lord more efficiently. It was for this reason that the apostle Paul left Titus on the island of Crete. The local churches there were in dire need of leadership and organization to address some grave moral and doctrinal issues, and Titus’ task was to “set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city.” (Titus 1:5)

Paul himself had done the same thing for the Galatian churches: “And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed.” (Acts 14:23) It is of interest to note that the word ‘ordain’ in this verse is ‘cheirotoneo’ which literally means ‘to vote by raising the hand’. This is how we derive our present system of electing office bearers to serve in the church – All members of the congregation are to cast their votes in order to choose them. This system ensures that there would be no dispute later on, on the right of these office bearers to govern the church.

Nomination and Election

The coming ACM will provide Lifers with the opportunity to perform this duty, since the present Church Session’s three-year term of office is ending. The congregation will have to elect the next Session to serve and lead the congregation for the next term (2023-2026). Following Article 13.2 of the Church Constitution, the Board of Elders has nominated the following candidates for election:

For Pastor:  

Rev Charles Seet


For Associate Pastors:

Rev Calvin Loh

Rev Quek Keng Khwang

For Elders:  

Chia Ah Lak

Heng Shao Sheng

Peter Koy

Lim Ching Wah

Roger Lim

Ng Beng Kiong

Michael Ong

Terence Tan

Clement Tan

Woon Sin Wei

For Deacons:

Chen Wei’an

Joshua Chia

Choong Chan Yong

Alvin Chow

Christopher Goh

Mark Heah

Russell Indran

Aaron Khoo

Surya Kusuma

Koh Lip Hoe

Timotheus Lee

Lim Ming Yann

Benedict Sim

Joash Tan

Ian Tay

Teo Kian Guan

Wang Chin Kiong

For more details about these candidates, kindly study their Curriculum Vitae (summary of life) which will be posted on notice boards next Sunday. In addition, the seven new candidates have submitted write-ups about themselves. These will be published in next Sunday’s weekly. You are urged to pray earnestly for the candidates, and for the wisdom of God to guide you in casting your vote.

Whom Should You Vote For?

Some candidates may have served in the church in a quiet and invisible manner and are therefore not well known to members. This should not cause voters to cast a blank vote. Please study the CV, and if you wish to know more about the candidate, please speak to a pastor or elder about him. Each candidate must obtain not less than 50% of the votes to be elected into office.

Voting is not to be taken lightly, such as voting only for those you like, and not voting for those you dislike. Candidates are not to be chosen on the basis of their appearance, popularity, social status, financial ability or prominence in society. Your choice should be based on the spiritual qualifications of a candidate, and on his ability to work well with the rest of the elected office bearers and to fulfill his expected role.

Roles and Required Qualifications

Elders are the stewards or managers of the church (Titus 1:7, Greek: oikonomos) who are directly accountable to God, who is the Owner of the church (Hebrews 13:17). The word “elder” (Greek: presbuteros) implies spiritual maturity or rank of office. Elders are also called “bishops” (Titus 1:5,7, Greek: episkopos) to denote their responsibility of overseeing the church.

Pastors are specialised elders whose primary responsibility is to take care of the spiritual nurture of the flock (Jeremiah 23:2; 1 Peter 5:1,2). The word “pastor” means “shepherd.” Just as a shepherd leads his sheep to find green pastures and takes them to the still waters, pastors are responsible to feed church members with nutritious spiritual food diligently prepared from the Word of God (Jeremiah 3:15).

Here are some qualifications that you should look for in elders and pastors, as given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9 and 1 Peter 5:2,3:

  • Blameless (without reproach, unaccused)
  • Husband of one wife (and always faithful to her)
  • Vigilant (temperate, self-controlled)
  • Sober (serious-minded, sensible, self-restrained)
  • Of good behaviour (orderly, disciplined)
  • Given to hospitality
  • Apt to teach (able to instruct others)
  • Not given to wine (or alcoholic beverages)
  • No striker (not violent)
  • Not greedy of filthy lucre (or base gains)
  • Patient (reasonable, gentle, considerate, forbearing)
  • Not a brawler (not quarrelsome but conciliatory)
  • Not covetous (not desiring what he should not have)
  • Not a novice (not a new convert, but a mature Christian)
  • Not self-willed (not stubborn, overbearing or arrogant)
  • Not soon angry (not quick-tempered, but mild mannered)
  • Lover of good men (supports those who are worthy)
  • Just (upright)
  • Holy (with purity of life)
  • Temperate (self-controlled)
  • Holding fast the faithful Word (Clinging to the Word of God and able to refute those who oppose it)
  • Rules his home well (a good parent)
  • Having his children in subjection with all gravity (keeping his children under control)
  • Having faithful children (who are believers and who love the Lord)
  • Having a good report of them which are without (good public reputation)
  • Willingness and a ready mind (not serving by constraint)
  • Being ensamples to the flock (a good role model for Christians)

Deacons are responsible for practical service (cf. “serve tables,” in Acts 6:2) such as collecting the weekly offering, maintaining the accounts of the church, maintaining an active ministry of mercy to meet the needs of church members, overseeing the maintenance of the church building and of other necessary equipment, and organising church seminars and camps. Some of these responsibilities may be shared by ordinary church members, but it is nevertheless needful that deacons initiate and supervise them.

Deacons who have fulfilled their responsibilities well “purchase to themselves a good degree.” (1 Timothy 3:13) This can be interpreted to mean that they earn the respect from the church that causes them to be chosen as elders later on (Barnes, Clarke, Henry & Vincent). Here are some qualifications that you should look for in deacons, as given in Acts 6:1-3 and 1 Timothy 3:8-12:

  • Servant-hearted (The word ‘deacon’ means ‘servant’)
  • Of honest report (good reputation)
  • Full of the Holy Ghost (Spirit-filled life)
  • Full of wisdom
  • Able to administer church funds (“daily ministration”)
  • Grave (worthy of respect)
  • Not double-tongued (not insincere)
  • Not given to much wine (or alcoholic beverages)
  • Not greedy of filthy lucre (or base gains)
  • Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience (maintaining divine truth without fear or favour of men)
  • Must first be proved (with some experience of service)
  • Blameless (without reproach, unaccused)
  • Husband of one wife (and always faithful to her)
  • Ruling children and house well (a good parent)

May the Lord find us faithful to do our part in setting the house in order.

– Pastor


Appointments for the Week

Monday, March 27

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Historical Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, March 28

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Mr Shawn Lim)

Thursday, March 30

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: History of Presbyterian & B-P Churches (Rev Lee Hock Chin)

Saturday, April 1

        3.00 pm     YAF

Sunday, April 2

  8.00 am     Hosanna in the Highest  Matthew 21:1-11 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang)

  8.00 am Choir Practice

  9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Hosanna in the Highest Matthew 21:1-11 (Rev Quek Keng Khwang, with Holy Communion)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)




Good Friday Holy Communion Service, 9:00 am

Sermon: “The Dying Thief” (Luke 23:35-43)

by Rev Quek Keng Khwang



Easter Sunday Baptismal Service, 9:00 am

Sermon: “Christ is Risen from the Dead!” (1 Corinthians 15:1-10; 53-58)

by Rev Charles Seet

Fellowship Lunch after Service


Church Camp 2023

13-16 June 2023

Anchoring Our Faith In A Postmodern World

Speaker: Pastor Tan Soon Yong

Radisson Golf & Convention Center, Batam

Registration for church camp 2023 is now open. You may go to the church's website at www.lifebpc.com/church-camp-2023 to register online. Please register early!


Infant Baptism on Easter

Sunday, 9 Apr 2023. Parents, please email the church office, with your full names, contact numbers, and your child's name and date of birth by 26 Mar 2023 (Today).


Door to Door Evangelism

2 April 2023 (Next Sunday)

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm

Contact: Amos Hoon (97895311)


*Changes in Pastoral Staff:*

With effect from 31 March 2023, Ms June Tan Mei Lan has retired from service, and Dn Betrand Lam Kai Yang has resigned. We express our heartfelt appreciation to both of them for their faithful service in Life B-P Church. May the Lord guide them in all their future endeavours. 


Vacation Bible School 2023

Theme: Mission Himpossible.

Calling all children aged 4-12 years old (N2-P6)! Registration for Vacation Bible School (31 May-2 Jun) is now open! Lifers are still needed for the available areas of service: teaching, logistics, craft, games, F&B and photography. Register now @ lifebpc.com/vbs !


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Dn Yeo HS if you are available.


Gospel Sunday

30 April 2023, 8.00am & 11.00am

When Death gives way to Life

1 Corinthians 15:20-28


Our condolences to sister Nellie Teo and family on the homegoing of her father, Mr Teo Ah Seng (89 years old) on Saturday, 18 March 2023.


GB Enrolment Service

Date: 15 April 2023 Sat 11am-1230pm

Lunch Reception to follow.

RSVP https://gg.gg/sss-gb13


Street Evangelism @ Ion Orchard

7 April; 7-9pm. Contact Tan MS / Lee CW


Mental Health Seminar

Date: 6 May 2023

Time: 3-6pm

Venue: Beulah MPH

Speakers: Rev Lee Hann Yang & Dr Daniel Kwek

Register at https://forms.gle/Dax8umTHXtXEY9go6

Deadline: 30th Apr


Exploring Christianity

Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians searching to know who God is (2) Christians who would like to understand the basics of what it means to be a Christian.

The seminar will be held on 1 May 2023, from 9am-12.30pm at Beulah Centre. Lunch will be provided. All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith.

To register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/ExpChr2023 


Participating in upcoming Mission Trips in 2023 

We would like to encourage Life B-P Church members to participate actively in missions both in support and involvement (short-term or otherwise), including medical and dental (MaD) missions, with the hope that some may be called to be full-time missionaries. If you are interested to participate in the upcoming mission trips being planned for 2023, please register your interest by filling in this form: https://forms.gle/Cc4Q22b8csiFmqEY6


GB Enrolment Service

Date: 15 April 2023 Sat 11am-1230pm

Lunch Reception to follow.

RSVP https://gg.gg/sss-gb13


Street Evangelism @ Ion Orchard

7 April; 7-9pm. Contact Tan MS / Lee CW


Mental Health Seminar

Date: 6 May 2023

Time: 3-6pm

Venue: Beulah MPH

Speakers: Rev Lee Hann Yang & Dr Daniel Kwek

Register at https://forms.gle/Dax8umTHXtXEY9go6

Deadline: 30th Apr


Exploring Christianity

Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians searching to know who God is (2) Christians who would like to understand the basics of what it means to be a Christian.

The seminar will be held on 1 May 2023, from 9am-12.30pm at Beulah Centre. Lunch will be provided. All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith.

To register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/ExpChr2023