2 July 2023 - Church Camp 2023 Testimonies

O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

11.00 am
Call to Worship

Eld Terence Tan

Eld Terence Tan

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

All Glory, Laud, and Honor (HGG 11)

All Glory, Laud, and Honor (HGG 11)
Scripture Reading

Isaiah 55:6-11

Isaiah 55:6-11


Only Trust Him (HGG 297)

Only Trust Him (HGG 297)

Offertory Hymn

The King of Love My Shepherd Is (HGG 336)

The King of Love My Shepherd Is (HGG 336)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

A Message that cannot be Restrained (Acts 12:24) by Rev Calvin Loh

A Message that cannot be Restrained (Acts 12:24) by Rev Calvin Loh
Closing Hymn

Wonderful Words of Life (HGG 216)


Lead Me to Calvary (HGG 555)

*The Lord’s Supper



Church Camp 2023 Testimonies

I thank God for the immense privilege of going for Church Camp 2023 after 4 years of hiatus. This church camp had a powerful effect on me, convicting me of much sin in my life, grounding me in areas where I have dallied on sandy ground, and amazing me with the beauty and power of God’s Word. The last time I went for Church Camp was when I had not yet entered into university, and I have since graduated. Indeed, the sands of my youth have trickled away in a torrent, and the solid truths expounded during church camp are incredibly timely, as I stand on the cusp of adulthood in a world that threatens to carry me away with a variety of distractions and devices. I will focus this testimony on three of the key lessons I brought away from this camp.

Be Thou My Vision

The first key way church camp has impacted me is in being convinced of the sufficiency of God’s scripture for my life. I was provoked to consider that in the world that we live in, there is much spiritual ‘garbage’ that we are consuming, neglecting the meditation, reflection and feasting upon God’s Word. Ps Tan likened this to us rummaging through garbage for poisonous rubbish to consume, while the King of Kings has prepared a delectable feast for our souls. As opposed to the ephemeral and inconsequential trivialities of the world, God’s Word reveals the “depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge” of the Living God to us, the God whose judgements are “unsearchable” and “ways past finding out” (Rom 11:33). The gracious, glorious God has condescended to us to reveal to us His ways, and yet I find myself often enraptured by the superfluous spectacles of the world more than His Word. More than that, God’s Word also transforms us, conforming us into the image of Christ from “glory to glory” (2 Cor 3:18). As such, this camp has convicted me to spend more time in contemplation of God’s Word, and it is my prayer, by God’s help, that Christ will be my best thought by day or by night, and that I can “bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. (2 Cor 10:5-6).

We are your Church

Second, church camp showed to me a vision of church that both rebuked and reinvigorated me. I was forced to confront my own pride and foolishness in the way I had viewed the people and processes in church. For example, Ps Tan shared that the mindset we should be having in church is that everyone else is more important than ourselves, and that this is part of denying ourselves and taking up the cross. As an occasionally overzealous youth, this spoke to me as it reminded me that in my vigour to improve the way things are done in church, the propensity for pride and to think divisive thoughts should be guarded against. Instead, the mind we are to have is the mind of Christ, who “thought it not robbery to be equal with God”; a mind that esteems others better than myself and looks not on my own things, but on those of others also. While it is true that there are many things that can be improved in our church, charity, compassion and empathy should never be sacrificed at the altar of change, and all of us, whether young or old cannot let our sinful arrogance displace the call to our unity.

On the other hand, church camp also showed me the beauty and joy of true, biblical fellowship. In Church, our unity derives not from similar age groups, interests or backgrounds, but the blood-bought identity we share as sons of God in Christ. Ours is the identity of being a “peculiar people”, who “show forth the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light” (1 Pet 2:9). I was able to see this practically manifesting in camp, as I enjoyed good fellowship with several older members, whether it was having edifying conversations, praying together or dining together at meals.

Moreover, given that fellowship stems from our mutual relationships as children of God, it does not need to depend on doing fun activities or eating good food together (not that enjoying God’s good gifts together is bad!), but on enjoying God together and encouraging one another. During camp, we were able to experience such heartfelt fellowship during our Youth Worship and Prayer Night, where we sang praises to God together, shared our burdens, and prayed earnestly for one another.

As a final point, I saw also from the camp messages that church is a place which is the dwelling place “of the Living God” (1 Tim 3:15), which exists wholly to display the reality of God to a fallen world, and to be the valuable salt that points people to the Kingdom of God. The only way we can reclaim this high and noble pursuit is by the power and might of God’s Spirit, and our (the young people’s) heartfelt desire for this was reflected in our song presentation during camp. As the song goes

“Father show this generation

Of Thy strength and majesty

Display Thy pow'r and glory

For all the world to see”

Indeed, it is my prayer, and I’m sure it is the prayer of all our church that we would display God’s strength, majesty, power and glory for this postmodern world.

Worthy of Worship

For my final takeaway, I was reminded once again that God is a God who is worthy of holy, acceptable worship; that He is worthy of my life as a living sacrifice. In Ps Tan’s second message, what spoke to me powerfully was His point that we often peruse God’s doctrine, sing His worship songs, and listen to His words for us bringing away with us nothing but ‘amazement’ (as the crowd in Matthew 7 did). We heap up for our itching ears sound doctrine and enjoy chicken soup for our soul, only to do nothing with the treasure we have been given. Instead, we should be learning to deny ourselves, repenting of our sins, and being a witness for Christ with what we have been blessed with. As Ps Tan mentioned in Message 7, we should be obedient in willing to bring the gospel to others, even at the expense of persecution or discomfort in our lives.

I was also moved by the ordination service of Bro Efendi, and when the decision of Bro Shawn Lim to pursue full time ministry was also announced. I was greatly inspired by the commitment of these two brothers, who have decided to leave the world behind them and follow the cross before them, and also brought strongly to consider pursuing a life of full-time pastoral ministry. Regardless of where the Lord leads me to in my future path, it was also a stark reminder that I am called to be a full-time disciple of Christ, and that my actions, thoughts and words must be consecrated for the sake of following Christ. Everyone is called to deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23), for that is the only worship that is worthy of the one who loved us, and gave Himself for us so that we could be reconciled to God.

Indeed God is

Worthy of rev'rence worthy of fear

Worthy of love and devotion

Worthy of bowing and bending of knees

Worthy of all this and added to these

May God grant me the grace to follow Christ, and to serve Him to the end!

Ryan Lim

Church Camp 2023 was truly an exhilarating and insightful experience for all of us, as it was the first camp we had attended in years and even the first-ever camp experience for some of us. This camp, while short, allowed us to get away from the worries of our student lives and focus purely on God's Word. The theme, "Anchoring Our Faith in a Postmodern World", could not have been more relevant for our church and especially for our age group, as teenagers who are still amid their educational journeys and highly susceptible to the temptations of the world. We thank Pastor Tan Soon Yong for all eight of his detailed and insightful messages, which gave us a profound understanding of the dangers of postmodernism and how it has already infiltrated the church. The messages, which stressed the importance of humbling ourselves and being prepared for both persecution and Christ's return, were a much-needed reminder to put our trust in the unwavering power of God's Word.

Church camp was also an opportunity to foster unity within the church’s different age groups, allowing us to fellowship with and grow closer to like-minded believers. We thank God for the abundance of activities and facilities arranged and provided for us over those four days; be it swimming, sports, nightly discussions, or just simple conversations at the dining table, all these activities strengthened our bonds and helped us grow together in Christ. However, perhaps the most meaningful activity we participated in was the time of singspiration with the Youth Fellowship, praising God through our singing of hymns and reflecting on their beautiful lyrics.

In conclusion, we have been thoroughly and constantly blessed by the Lord throughout this camp. Although some of us faced personal struggles during camp, God showed us His loving kindness and helped us overcome our trials. We thank Him for the precious fellowship and chance to reflect on our lives, and we pray that we will be able to attend next year’s church camp as well!

Lively Teens Fellowship

Seek ye first the kingdom of God

The comfort in God’s word which I turned to in the days leading up to church camp: ”But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” – Matthew 6:33-34.

Resonating with Elder Lim’s testimony sharing, employees new to the workplace are posed with obstacles in applying leave. Despite knowing that I would be posted into a new department just one week before church camp, I thank God for the conviction to sign up with faith that the Lord would see me through the uncertainty of my leave plans. It provided the opportunity for me to set my priorities clear, to seek first the kingdom of God and put aside any worries I had about my worldly pursues.

By His grace, my leave was approved, I was able to attend camp for a wonderful time of spiritual nourishment, was provided a powerful conversation starter to my new colleagues on my faith, and if God wills, bring more souls to the saving knowledge of Christ. May this be a testimony that the Lord is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20).

Guarding against Man-Centered Religion

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” – Matthew 7:21-23

The developments of a postmodern world are a real threat to the kingdom of God. Pastor Tan expounded on this in the various sobering messages and God’s word pierced right through my sinful heart during Message 4 in the elaboration of the Parable of the Ten Virgins. How often have I chosen what is convenient, dismissing His kingdom and loving myself over God and His people. To the eyes of man, the foolish is not much different from the wise but all will be revealed in the day of judgement (Matthew 24:36). My prayer for the body of Christ is to guard against a man-centred religion, for God to search our hearts and deliver us from all deceit.

Jonathan Tan

Firstly, I would like to thank and praise the Lord for enabling me to attend the church camp to have a time of fellowship and lessons with my fellow brethren despite my back fracture.

Also, I would like to thank Deacon Benedict, Amy, Isaac, Ruth and all who have helped me with my luggage. I would also like to thank my friends Meng Kean, Siew Joon and Lay Peng for looking out for me all the time there, as well as Paul and Cecilia for traveling with me and helping me to and from the HarbourFront Ferry Terminal.

Low Law Hoon

"But to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word." Isaiah 66:2b

For most of my Christian life, I have struggled with understanding the truth of the parable of the 10 virgins, 5 of whom were foolish and 5 were wise. On the outside they appear the same. However, the main difference lay in the foolish virgins who took no oil with them in the lamps. But it was not so with the wise who took flasks of oil with their lamps, prepared to wait for the arrival of the bridegroom. When the bridegroom came, it was evident that the 5 foolish virgins were unprepared to meet Him but the wise were ready for His return.

It was a terrifying reminder to me that when Christ returns, the door will be shut to fake Christians and they will hear Jesus saying "I know you not!" There is no remedy or second chances for unpreparedness.

What does "oil" represent? Why is the interpretation so important to me? I need to be absolutely sure that I am not deluded into false assurance that I am in Christ.

The speaker made clear that "oil" represented the testimony of our lives....we must be rightly related to Christ....we must have the power of godliness. If we live a life of willing obedience, we will never question our salvation. My eyes were opened! Finally I understood it! The ultimate test of an authentic believer is not holding a lamp of profession, not even of the knowledge of right doctrines but one who holds carefully the lamp of possession of Christ with an inward conviction and commitment to the Saviour.

How good God is to make me sit up and awaken me with powerful camp messages, peppered with warnings of no second chances for repentance for the unprepared. 

May we value our souls, knowing the reality of the everlasting state on the borders of which we stand and may we live out the remaining years of our lives Coram Deo, before the Face of God, serving Him with passion and joy to the glory of God alone!

Ong Chuay Ying

I thank God for the privilege of attending this year’s church camp, a time of precious fellowship opportunities and learning from God’s Word. Having just started work the past month, it was God’s blessing that I could get leave and come for camp. In this testimony I will share some lessons that God has touched my heart with through this camp.

God reminded me of the centrality of His Word in all things — as an anchor for life, a sword against temptation, a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path, showing me the way I should go.

Becoming a working adult has brought its host of challenges, for example, the temptation to join in gossip and pessimism in the workplace, the sometimes subtle sins of seeking recognition from senior colleagues and desiring self-glory. His Word tells me of the sure and steadfast hope that I have in Him, a steady anchor in any storm. His Word rebukes me of my pride and my sin of self-idolatry, reminding me that I have nothing to boast in but Christ. It calls me to obedience — in this context of work, to do all things without murmuring or disputing and to endeavour to share His gospel with my colleagues at the risk of rejection. How thankful am I for the firm foundation given to me in His Word, the mirror that it is to my soul. How much more I ought to saturate my mind with it and be quick to obey it — especially in this increasingly depraved postmodern world.

God convicted me of the truth that Scripture is truly sufficient in saving and sanctifying sinners, to make the man of God complete and thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

This fills me with greater zeal to share His precious Word that is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. (Romans 1:16). It fills me also with greater eagerness to do ministry in the way that He has prescribed - not in better programmes or ideas but in the study of His Word together and prayer.

I was also convicted by the exhortation on relationships within the church. Mutual submission is a command in Scripture — it is out of love and submission to Christ that we submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21). I was struck by the reminder that the church is Christ’s body and we are all members one of another, meaning that I belong to my fellow church members and they to me! I was struck by the message of the importance of covenant faithfulness to one’s church. It was a check on my attitude as well —how I should esteem others better than myself, to value every member in the body as someone I can serve.

I thank God for the privilege of getting to know some older members in the congregation during this camp. How wonderful it is to share bonds of fellowship that extend beyond the usual commonalities of age or shared interests, and to learn from one another! I am encouraged that it is possible, and in fact entirely purposed by God, to enjoy intergenerational fellowship. We do so by loving one another as Christ has loved us. This displays the beauty and mystery of His gospel — where people of different backgrounds can come together and form one holy temple in Christ (Ephesians 2). I hope to make many more of these friendships in time to come!

This camp, I was also reminded of the excellency of the reward of knowing and living for Christ.  This reminder came in various ways — firstly, the message which described the great compensation to all who are faithful, received among a grand community of saints, the great cloud of witnesses! I was also touched by those who have chosen to give their lives wholly for Christ, for example, the missionaries I met at camp, Brother Efendi and Shawn. I was struck by the costliness of full-time ministry, more so, how the lives of these men point to the exceeding worthiness of Christ. While full-time ministry may not be the calling of all or my calling at this time, I want to live a life that counts for God. I am convinced that He is our exceeding great reward — there is nothing better than the surpassing worth of knowing Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:8-10). By God’s grace, I pray to grow in daily surrender and obedience to my King, to be willing to go and serve wherever He leads me.

Rae-Ann Lim

I have learnt in this church camp on His Sheep Am I. I was taught to memorize Psalm 23. I also learnt to sing a lot of new songs.  I am thankful to come to this church camp and make new friends. I enjoyed swimming and playing with my sister and friends.”

Maegan Lee, 7 years old

I have learnt about how great our God is. He is our Shepherd and takes care of us. I am thankful that I have a good God who is our Savior. I thank God for a family who loves me.”

Megan Koy, 8 years old

I thank God that I learnt we are all Jesus’ sheep. I also thank God our hotel room is comfortable and I can eat with my friends during breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Jordan Tan, 8 years old

I have learnt from this church camp that God always protects us, Jesus gave His life to save us and that we must have faith in Him always. I am thankful to God for being my true Friend. I thank God also for family and friends. I enjoyed most of the lessons and the fellowship.”

Corine Xie, 9 years old

I have learnt a few new songs and memorized Psalm 23. I have also learnt that Jesus is our Shepherd and protects us and brings us back to Him when we wander away from Him.

I enjoyed the lessons the teachers taught us and making new friends. I like the class activities.

I am thankful to God for the good weather and the delicious food I have during this church camp. I am also thankful for my parents and friends I have.”

Joanne Wang, 10 years old

This church camp, I have learnt to trust God more especially when I am afraid. Jesus loves me and He is my very good Shepherd. I am thankful to Him for protecting me all these years and for loving me. I like church camps because I can learn more about God and to play with my friends.”

Elliot Ong, 10 years old

In this church camp, I have learnt Psalm 23 and memorized it. I understood the meaning of each verse. I have also learnt many new songs and parables of the lost sheep, the lost son and many more. I have learnt how the shepherd cares for his sheep with his rod and staff. The rod is to protect the sheep from predators and the staff is to rescue the sheep. If the sheep wanders away, the shepherd will find them and carry them back on his shoulders.

I learnt that Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. He will protect us. When we wander away from Him, He will bring us back to Him. Jesus will always forgive us if we truly repent and confess our sins.

I am thankful for my parents and sister and being able to go to school and to church to learn more about Jesus.

I am thankful to God that I enjoyed being able to swim with my family and friends, having fellowship with one another and spending time with friends.”

Kristen Koy, 10 years old

“In this church camp, I learnt about the parables of the lost son and the lost sheep and David and Goliath. I learnt to trust God and that I am His sheep. I am thankful to God that I enjoyed this camp.”

Timothy See Toh, 12 years old


Appointments for the Week

Tuesday, Jul 4

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Joel Seah)

Thursday, Jul 6

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

Saturday, Jul 8

        3.00 pm     LTF / YF / YAF

        4.00 pm     GAF Meeting

Sunday, Jul 9

8.00 am     Our Mission-Minded God Acts 13:1-12 (Rev Ho Chee Lai)

8.00 am     Choir Practice

9.15 am     Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

9.40 am Sunday School

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Our Mission-Minded God Acts 13:1-12 (Rev Ho Chee Lai)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)




Tell us your preferred choice for a Church Anniversary gift at .https://lifebpc.com/survey/index.php/775286?lang=en

The most popular choice wins. Survey closes on 9 July 2023.


Catechism Class for Anniversary Baptism on 15 October 2023

will commence on 9 July 2023.

Please pre-register by emailing to Church Office. Those seeking baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership must attend the catechism class. Closing date: Today.


Door to Door Evangelism 2 Jul 2023 (Today)

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm Contact: Desmond or Amos 


Golden Age Fellowship

GAF Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, 8 Jul 2023,

4pm, Rooms 4-4 & 4-5. “Keeping the Faith”, 2 Timothy 4:7, by Dn Lim Chien Chong.

Contact Bro Ong BH.


ERBL Evening Lectures

July-November 2023

1)       Old Testament Poetic Books by Rev Charles Seet (Monday @ 7.30 pm)

2)       The Theology of Prayer by Pastor Tan Soon Yong (Thursday @ 7.30 pm)

It will be conducted on-site at No. 10 Gilstead Road. It is compulsory for all Credit Students to attend lectures on-site and Audit Students can either attend lectures via Zoom platform or on-site. Interested parties can register for the courses online at  http://lifebpc.com/erbl/index.php/registration-tt


Gospel Sunday

30 July 2023 “God has a message for you” by Pastor Wei En Yi.


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Bro Yeo HS if you are available.


Emmanuel Reformed Bible College

is offering the following courses from July-November 2023 at No. 1 Tao Ching Road.

1) Introduction to the New Testament by Rev Ho Chee Lai (Monday @ 10 am)

2) Anthropology & Soteriology by Rev Isaac Ong (Tuesday @ 10 am)

3) Marriage & Family Counselling by Rev Gabriel Gan (Wednesday @ 10 am)

4) The Book of Romans by Rev Ho Chee Lai (Wednesday @ 1.30 pm)

5) Homiletic by Rev Isaac Ong (Thursday @ 10 am)

6) Principles and Method of Teaching by Ms June Tan (Friday @ 10 am)

7) The Intertestamental Period by Ms June Tan (Friday @ 1.30 pm)

For registration and details of the courses, please refer to our website: www.erbc.sg.


Exploring Christianity

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? If there is a good and powerful God, why do we have global pandemics and unrest in this world?  The answers to these questions can be found in the Bible, which is God's word to man.

Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians seeking God and (2) Christians who would like to learn how to evangelise.
The first session will be held on a Saturday, 22 July 2023, from 3-6.30pm at Beulah Centre, Room 2-1. Dinner will be provided. Kindly note that the other 3 sessions will be held on Sunday mornings. All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith. 

Register at https://tinyurl.com/ECJul2023


MM 7th Anniversary

“Rise Up, O Men of God” by Eld Chia Ah Lak. 29 July 2023, 4-7pm @ Beulah MPH. Dinner will be provided


Participating in upcoming Mission Trips in 2023 

We would like to encourage Life B-P Church members to participate actively in missions both in support and involvement (short-term or otherwise), including medical and dental (MaD) missions, with the hope that some may be called to be full-time missionaries. If you are interested to participate in the upcoming mission trips being planned for 2023, please register your interest by filling in this form: https://forms.gle/Cc4Q22b8csiFmqEY6