O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

11.00 am
Call to Worship

Dn Benedict Sim 

Dn Benedict Sim 

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand (HGG 734) 

God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand (HGG 734)
Scripture Reading

1 Timothy 2:1-6

1 Timothy 2:1-6 


Lord, for the Years (TSMS 415) 

Lord, for the Years (TSMS 415)

Offertory Hymn

Joy in Serving Jesus (TSMS 723)

Joy in Serving Jesus (TSMS 723)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

Shine Your Light! (Romans 13:1-7) by Rev Quek Keng Khwang 

Shine Your Light! (Romans 13:1-7) by Rev Quek Keng Khwang
Closing Hymn

May the Mind of Christ My Saviour (HGG 476) 


O Sacred Head Now Wounded (HGG 139)

*The Lord’s Supper 




1 Peter 2:9-10

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.


This week as we celebrate Singapore’s 58th National Day and at the National Day Parade, Singaporeans will come together in display of solidarity and among other things, recite the National pledge together. The pledge reads:


We, the citizens of Singapore,

pledge ourselves as one united people,

regardless of race, language or religion,

to build a democratic society

based on justice and equality

so as to achieve happiness, prosperity

and progress for our nation.


I have been reflecting about the similarities between nation-building and our task of building the Church of Christ, particularly in respect of parts of the National pledge. The body of believers is among other things, referred to as a “holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9). I wonder what that means to us. We more often speak about a Gospel community or church community these days and the idea of being a nation seems far from our conversations.



The National pledge begins with this identification - “We the citizens of Singapore”. Christian, dare you confidently proclaim your citizenship in God’s kingdom? Citizenship of a country is obtained by birth, by adoption or sometimes by purchase. We are citizens of God’s kingdom by being born again (John 3:3) and by the adoption of sons (Romans 8:15). Our citizenship has been purchased for us by the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross - the only satisfactory payment for our sins.



The first verb in the National pledge is “pledge”. A pledge is a solemn promise, a guarantee, an oath of allegiance. Christian - do you remember your pledge? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind? To obey Christ - your Lord and master? To love your neighbour as yourself? To manifest the fruit of the Spirit? To lead Spirit-controlled lives? To put off the old man and put on the new?  To seek sanctification and lead holy lives?



The national pledge is made by a “united people” - and that is certainly what we have been talking about repeatedly in our church - the need for unity among believers! What are the characteristics of believers united as a holy nation? Ephesians 4:2,3 sits between the declaration of the unity of believers (Ephesians 2 & 3) and the description of gifts given (Ephesians 4:11) for the purpose of “… perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:“ (Ephesians 4:12-13) and it describes the qualities (the outward expression of our faith) needed to demonstrate our unity. These are humility (lowliness of mind), meekness (or gentleness), longsuffering and forbearance. If you pause to think about it, these are the outward expression of love and would certainly mark us as God’s united people (John 13:35).



The national pledge includes aspirational goals - building “a democratic society based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation”. As we participate in building the church of Christ, we must also build with goals in mind. These are the goals of the architect and master builder of the church - Christ Himself and we must build according to His instructions. These goals are given for us in numerous passages of scripture such as:


Ephesians 1:22-23

And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.


Ephesians 5:26-27

That he might sanctify and cleanse it (the church) with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.


Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin and He intends to sanctify us so that we may be a spotless and fitting bride for Himself - a holy nation of which He is the rightful King. As Christians, we rightfully must give our allegiance to the nation of which we are citizens. But much more than that, we owe our allegiance to Christ, our King and at all times must show this in our actions. Before you get to thinking such a citizenship is too onerous and devoid of freedom, pause for a moment and remember that we have become citizens of Christ’s kingdom because He has freed us from slavery to sin, from the assured eternal destruction of the enemies of God. This citizenship is true freedom - freedom from the tyranny of sin and death, and service instead to the most benevolent Master. It is a citizenship that is not in any way earned by us but one given of God’s mercy and grace. We are a nation founded on God’s mercy and designed for His glory. So, while it is popular these days to speak in gentler terms of a community of believers with emphasis largely on the good that we receive, let us not forget that we are not just members of a community, but citizens of a holy nation - God’s nation - with all the obligations that entails. This is a serious matter and we do well to take our citizenship seriously.

Elder Clement Tan 


Appointments for the Week

Monday, Aug 7

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Poetic Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, Aug 8

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Dn Koh Lip Hoe)

Wednesday, Aug 9

      10.00 am     GAF Meeting (Zoom)

Thursday, Aug 10

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: The Theology of Prayer (Pastor Tan Soon Yong)

Friday, Aug 11

        7.30 pm     MM Meeting

        8.00 pm     LF Meeting

Saturday, Aug 12

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM / MM

Sunday, Aug 13

  8.00 am Keeping Unity in the Church Acts 15:1-35 (Rev Charles Seet)

  8.00 am Choir Practice

  9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Keeping Unity in the Church Acts 15:1-35 (Rev Charles Seet)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6) 




In order to better understand the spiritual life of our congregation, our church pastoral staff is conducting an online survey of the Pulpit Ministry and the Prayer Meeting. Kindly click on the following URL to participate in this survey. Deadline: Wednesday, 9 August 2023. https://lifebpc.com/survey/index.php/313662?lang=en


Golden Age Fellowship Meeting

Wednesday, 9 Aug 2023, 10.00 am

“To Retire Victoriously” by Bro Ong Beng Hong.

Contact Bro Ong BH for Zoom details.


Ladies’ Friday Fellowship

11 Aug 2023, 8.00 pm

“Charismatism - What does the Bible say?” by Sis Lilian . All ladies are welcome.

Contact Sis Gillian for details.


Door to Door Evangelism

6 Aug 2023 (Today) Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm

Contact: Desmond or Amos 


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Bro Yeo HS if you are available. 


WITH ONE VOICE (Evening of Praise 2023)

7 Oct 2023 (Sat); 7pm to 9pm

Venue: Life B-P Church Sanctuary (For inquiries, contact Samuel )


Cushioned Pews

After receiving feedback from several lifers that our pews are too hard to sit through worship service, cushioned pews are now available on both levels.

At ground level, they are on the last 2 pews at the rear and 1 pew on each side near the side entrances. Upstairs, there are 2 pews also at the rear.

There are also 10 individual cushions that are stacked on the left side as you enter the main entrance. Worshippers are invited to avail yourselves to these pews only if you need them.


Ladies’ Fellowship 45th Thanksgiving Anniversary

9 Sep 2023 (Sat), 4.00pm to 6.00pm, Beulah MPH

“How to Keep Shining For Christ” by Rev Charles Seet

Contact Sally for more information.