13 August 2023 - THAT WHICH MATTERS

O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8.00 am

11.00 am
Call to Worship

Dn Aaron Khoo 

Dn Aaron Khoo 

Opening Hymn 

+Invocation-Gloria Patri

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (HGG 2) 

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (HGG 2)
Scripture Reading

John 17:1-23

John 17:1-23


Church of God, Beloved and Chosen (HGG 222) 

Church of God, Beloved and Chosen (HGG 222)

Offertory Hymn

Take the World, But Give Me Jesus  (TSMS 203) 

Take the World, But Give Me Jesus  (TSMS 203)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

Keeping Unity in the Church (Acts 15:1-35) by Rev Charles Seet 

Keeping Unity in the Church (Acts 15:1-35) by Rev Charles Seet
Closing Hymn

I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (HGG 224) 

I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (HGG 224)




“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)


Romans 14:8 has a theme that is pivotal to Paul’s teaching about handling disputes between Christians on matters of practical Christian living. In this verse, Paul was writing to argumentative Christians. These Christians were judging one another, viewing each other with contempt (Romans 14:10) and condemning one another over “doubtful disputations” (Romans 14:1). They were arguing, despising and condemning one another over eating meat (out of fear that it may have been offered to idols) or deciding to eat vegetables only.


They were also fighting over the observance of special days because there were some who lived every day for the LORD and not just certain days. In both matters of food and special days, they were making choices and having strong convictions that did not break any laws of GOD (Romans 14:14). It was due to these strong personal convictions and preferences that they were disputing, resulting in a break in their relationships and the communion of the church.


Their attitude and behaviour towards one another had Paul scolding them with very strong words. The disputes over non-essential matters were sinful before GOD as they were not acts of love (Romans 14:15). We know that such issues are not sinful because sin and righteousness are never ambiguous. In the eyes of GOD, whatever is sinful for one man is also sinful for all men. Sin is never a matter of doubtful disputation and personal preferences. GOD is consistent and so, when He calls out a sinful behaviour, it will never be acceptable for someone and not acceptable for another. Paul reminded the Christians that we will all stand before the judgment seat of GOD (Romans 14:10) and that it is He who will be the judge. Thus, we should not judge one another based on our personal preferences and convictions. This is especially so over matters of practical Christian living.


Paul’s Solution


Paul’s purpose of writing these things in Romans 14 was for the Christians to be reconciled and to restore peace in their church. He reminded them in Romans 14:19 that the church of GOD is a place for building up one another: “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” They were not edifying one another but tearing up each other and causing strife in the church.


Paul gave the following instructions for dealing with their differences in living out their faith, in order to maintain peace in the church. They were to:


  1. Live unto the LORD and not to themselves (Romans 14:7-8).


  1. Care for the other person and not just for their own interests (Romans 14:15).


  1. Keep such non-sinful convictions to themselves and not force them on one another, nor waver in their convictions (Romans 14:22-23).


Living unto the LORD

We are instructed to have a lifestyle that makes GOD the purpose and motivation for everything we do, whether one eats meat or vegetables, treats certain days as special and even drinks whatever he likes (Romans 14:17). These things are to be done for the LORD. Having such an attitude and behaviour of living and dying for the LORD Jesus will bring forth righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Whether we live or die, we are the LORD’s. We ought to serve Him and one another instead of our desires (Romans 14:18-19). This instruction to put GOD first and care for one another leads to Paul’s second instruction, on how the church can have peace and warring brethren can be reconciled to GOD and one another.


Caring for the Other Person


When we live and die in the LORD, it will be very natural for us to care for others and to build one another up (Romans 14:19). We are told not to destroy the one whom the LORD has died to save: “But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.” (Romans 14:15).


The person who lives and dies in the LORD will care for his brethren in Christ. It must be considered inevitable that putting GOD first means that we are to love one another, care for each other and put the other person’s interest first.


We cannot say that we love GOD if we do not love one another. According to 1 John 4:8, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” A person who truly lives and dies for the LORD is also one who will love the brethren!


Dealing with Personal Convictions


Finally, Paul addresses the matter of personal preferences and convictions. We all have such secondary non-essential convictions. According to Paul’s words to the Roman Christians, GOD wants us to serve Him and love one another and yet be fully convinced and not wavering about our convictions on the non-essentials for living out our faith.


There are many of such convictions and personal preferences regarding Christian living, such as having a single income for our family, home-schooling our children, refraining from buying an expensive property as our home, listening to CCM, etc.


In Romans 14:13 Paul wrote that we are not to stumble one another. Instead, we are to love one another by giving up our personal preferences on matters that GOD does not call sin. Having such an attitude also implies that we do not force our convictions on each other. Reading Romans 14:20 again (“For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.”) shows us that we may end up tearing down the work of God if we force on others our convictions about food or personal preferences for Christian living. This happens when we are destroying one another and our Christian friendships over personal preferences. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offence.




That which matters is for the church of GOD to be the place where the people of GOD will build up one another in their faith in GOD. It should not be a place where we force our personal convictions and preferences on each other. Such a behaviour will lead to grumbling, condemning, contempt and fracturing of our relationships.


This will destroy the peace in the church and prevent us from doing the crucial work of edifying one another that Christ has called us to do.

– Joel Seah


Appointments for the Week

Monday, Aug 14

        7.30 pm     ERBL: OT Poetic Books (Rev Charles Seet)

Tuesday, Aug 15

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Eld Terence Tan)

Thursday, Aug 17

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: The Theology of Prayer (Pastor Tan Soon Yong)

Saturday, Aug 19

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM

Sunday, Aug 20

        8.00 am     All Things Work Together for Good... Acts 15:36-41 (Eld Clement Tan, with Holy Communion)

        8.00 am Choir Practice

        9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

        9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

        10.15 am Coffee Corner

        11.00 am All Things Work Together for Good... Acts 15:36-41 (Eld Clement Tan) 

        11.00 am Children’s Ministry

        11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

        11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

        12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

          2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

          4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)



Social Media Seminar by YLM

30 Sep 2023 (Sat), 3pm to 6pm, Onsite @ Beulah MPH

Registration at https://tinyurl.com/ylmsocialmediasem2023


Senior Fellowship

Dear brethren,

This is to inform you that with effect from 6th July 2023, the name Golden Age Fellowship (GAF) is changed to Senior Fellowship (SF). The change is with the approval of our church pastors, Rev C Seet and Rev Quek KK.

The objective, the roles, and the committee remain unchanged.


Door to Door Evangelism 20 Aug 2023 (Next Sunday)

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30 pm Contact: Desmond or Amos  


Traffic Wardens

Lifers are invited to serve our Lord as Traffic Wardens on Sunday. Kindly contact Bro Yeo HS if you are available.



“Dear Pastor Charles, Pastor KK and brethren, my family and I appreciate your condolences, and your presence at the wake and burial service brought us much comfort.Yours in His bond, Mok”


Ladies’ Fellowship 45th Thanksgiving Anniversary

9 Sep 2023 (Sat), 4.00pm to 6.00pm, Beulah MPH

“How to Keep Shining For Christ” by Rev Charles Seet

Contact Sally for more information.